My Rant Regarding the GPU Market

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hello everyone. Good evening. I hope all of you are doing well. Today I want to talk about something personal that is going on with my life. And no it is not some tragedy or something. Not something intimate either. It's just that I'm looking for something. So I am a university student in case you don't know. And I do my degree in computer science engineering. So it's about time I learn something that will actually help me land a good job and earn some good money. So university does teach most of the theoretical stuff, but you have to try the practical things on your own. It's the best way to learn. So for learning, I have chosen the path of AI. I guess you could already tell that by the amount of posts I have regarding artificial intelligence.



So in order to succeed in that field I need to know how to build stuff. How to build language models, how machine learning and deep learning works. And of course near my affiliation with cryptocurrency in the blockchain, of course I'm trying to learn the ins and out of the blockchain industry itself and how if possible, integrate AI and blockchain? Or is there any link between them? Something that can benefit me. For that I need a good system. Yes, I know that most of these things can be done on the cloud and they're quite cheap as well. But in my country these cloud services, paying for them is a hassle. And I myself have always thought of myself as a more offline person. I like to do things without the dependency of the internet connection. Mostly because I haven't had a stable internet connection up until a couple years back. Plus I like to play games. So from my system obviously I need a good graphics card. Now this is the problem that I've been facing. What graphics card to buy? I am doing my research on it. Looking around at forums, Reddit posts, and generally Google and YouTube. The only thing I learned as of now, is that you need lots of video memory. As much as you can for AI. Because if you want to build a large language model, you need that large video memory to load the whole model onto your graphics card and only then it can work. Interestingly enough, the actual raw horsepower is second priority for the graphics card, and the video memory is the first priority. This is something that I never realized I would see in my life but here I am now.

The biggest dilemma at this point is, I want to do gaming as well. And for that, I need horsepower. And then I want to do AI stuff. I want to learn blockchain, but I don't have any idea what I require for that. So I'm just going to buy something that's going to be future proof for that matter. And seeing the two very different requirements for these fields, It's kind of difficult to fix one. And if I want to address both situations, The price goes up. As of now I haven't been able to match a good price, good performance, and a good amount of video memory. And there you can see what these graphics card companies are doing. They're all targeting specific markets of their own and there is no One-Stop shop for everything.