Good day to you all my tutors and learners here on Hive.
I remain this humble soul who is always ready to appreciate my existence on the surface, once we realize that staying alive is never by our power or might then we know that all we have to do in life is to thank God for his mercy and grace over us.
Gone are the days.
I remember back in the days when we had no worries. Days when everything was cool and fine. Days when we are free to move and play around as we want. Days when all our thoughts are to face our studies and eat the meal mum prepared for us. Days when we would always cry after our parents for money to buy things and they would give them to us. Days when we never cared about how our school fees will get paid, days when all that concerns us is to watch movies and sleep tight. I remember those days when there was no distraction and the best media was watching through television.
Hopefully, those days would resurface again. Will I embrace it or not?
The funniest part and what still makes me wonder and ponder a lot about life itself is the fact that whichever stage you find yourself it's always the hardest part to survive and come to think of it, once we overcome these stages the next stage becomes the hardest and the one we scaled through would look so simple but we can't go back to that again. The future is always on our minds. We do not know much about what the future has in place for us, we can't say if it will be hard or easy for us. But most times we think and hope it will turn out so easily.
Life keeps on revolving
I remembered when I was in primary school, I was always looking up to those in the upper classes when I would get to junior secondary when I would get to put on those long-sleeved uniforms and put on a black sock. I am always so eager to see those days. With time I found myself in secondary school, it was not easy but I got there. I thought my cravings should end but instead, I started looking forward to the day I will end this tiresome lifestyle, a day I will stop preparing for school from Monday to Friday. Days when I will get into the university of my choice and wear a mufti to school for lectures instead of these uniforms.
Days ticked so quickly that I found myself at the university of my choice. I thought it was all over once I entered the university. But the way I thought it would be so simple, it was way different from that. The reality began to set in. The stress was even multiplied compared to my days as a secondary school student. I began to miss those stages so much only if I could turn back the hands of time.
I have gotten to a certain stage of life. No more schooling again. But what next? Life even got so much harder than when I was still a student. I never can tell how much longer I will have to be here. This stage is called ADULTHOOD.
Everything started turning on its own.
Compared to my childhood days, now my days are just totally different, I can't say what’s going on. Why does no one care for me anymore and I have to be the one caring for myself? Why? Now I have to be responsible for my actions and even more.
Responsibilities keep growing each day. Now I can feel how it was for our parents back then, yet they kept up with the struggle and never made us feel anything. They never made us feel their pain. Now is the time for me to realize their efforts and never allow them to be wasted. This wasn't the adulthood I projected for myself.
What if I am granted the opportunity to go back in time?
I will surely take the offer but for just a limited time. And get back to my real self. This is because no matter how much I go back in time if it's not till eternity then I will still have to be back to my present position again. The only difference here is that I could have a chance to rectify my mistakes from the past life I lived and also make some adjustments to the present world I am in today.
I would love to go back to being a child, get breastfed again, and have zero worries in my head. Live my life with happiness and love.
This is my response to the prompt for week 59 edition 1 on the hive learners community and the topic to be discussed is DE-AGE.
HEADER IMAGE: By WenPhotos on Pixabayand edited on Canva App
Other images are mine.
Great post, is always great to check out your past to evaluate your present. Life is always evolving, there will be days where all your bills are paid and you don't have to worry about where the meal comes next. Most people that work hard and build businesses live like that. Is good to protect your assets and be savvy about your business and insure your future.
You might appreciate your wife cooking, or your kids or their kids visits and take time to enjoy life as fast or slow as you want it to be. It all goes to the decisions someone makes and the future they are after.
Adult hood na scam you better get am for your mind. You gat to hustle, make a living 247. Hahahaha. No matter how many years you remove, you will still hit your current age one day. Make we just remain as we are dey push am dey go. Nice one
Adulthood is truly a scam... It's not easy being an adult and all the responsibility that comes with it. God help us
Those days when we're kid is just fun, but just as you the said it seems the higher we go the harder it becomes.
But anyways we'll surely survive whatever life brings towards us.