[W107-E1] Science, don't go overboard

in Hive Learners11 months ago

[W107-E1] Science, don't go overboard


Science has contributed much to the progress of the human race. Thanks to it, we can move faster, have better goods and services, have more means of communication, more effective methods of health care, and so on. However, in this couple of days we are talking about areas where it has gone too far. I have an example.


Almost nobody likes warfare, but today it is a field in which it has evolved rapidly. A few decades ago firearms were a novelty, then they became automatic, cannons appeared, then bombs of different kinds, atomic, bacteriological, etc. And recently we have seen with sadness how some explosives are handled by drones. Question: where did these weapons originate?

Well, it is hard to imagine that soldiers from the first battle front created such things. In those last weapons I mentioned there is science, technology, study, observation, testing... science, science, science. Yes, sadly, many of the talents and knowledge available are being used to create ways to destroy other human beings. This part of science is not created to lengthen human life expectancy, but quite the opposite, to shorten it.

The creation and refinement of weapons and technology to destroy seems to me to be an area where science has gone too far. It is shocking that time, money, effort, knowledge and testing is being spent to create ways to destroy humans, animals, flora and the planet in faster and more devastating ways.


It is no secret that nations invest large sums of money to buy weaponry, and some show a special interest in getting the latest, renewing their inventories. Yes, while some of us are looking to change our cell phone for a more advanced one, some authorities are looking to change their weaponry for a more destructive one.

On the one hand we have people trying to seek world peace, and at the same time there are people trying to prepare for war. Is that a good use for science?

Science is present in practically every area of life. Its influence is felt. But if I have to name one where I would like to see more science with results available to all, it is in the area of health, with studies and analyses accessible to all patients worldwide.

We long for the day when wars will be a thing of the past, and the observation and study that we humans do will be used one hundred percent for the development and happiness of the human race. See you next time!


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 11 months ago  

The creation and refinement of weapons and technology to destroy seems to me to be an area where science has gone too far.

Same thing. Blame technology, not science. The two are related, but they are not the same. Engineers and scientists are not the same, although they may sometimes play the role of the other.

 11 months ago  

Hi. Thank you for expressing your opinion. I still stand by what I wrote. Although I share that "science" and "technology" are not the same, the definition of "science" is still present in the creation of weaponry. Or is it that, for example, bacteriological weapons is the creation of engineers only? White coats were also present there.

In short, without wanting to point fingers, the results and conclusions (which even today some are partial, such as those of DNA and the universe, because they do not yet know everything) should be used in favor of man, not to his detriment. Greetings @eniolw

 11 months ago  

Or is it that, for example, bacteriological weapons is the creation of engineers only?

Yes, engineers. When it comes to invention and application, it is the engineer's job. Studying and researching itself is not evil, it's rather neutral; it's the application that has the potential for malevolence.

I'd say that if you want to look into ethical problems within science, it could be something related to the methodology. Like experimenting with animals or experimenting with humans in a harmful way and without consent. That has been seen throughout history, like the dogs subjected to dual-head transplantation or the chimp that got his head removed and transplanted to another body or the individuals who served as test subjects in syphilis research and so on.

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 11 months ago  

Thank you so much @stemsocial

 11 months ago  

You're welcome.

 11 months ago  

Science will advance so rapidly day by day, because basically we are still looking for or want to prove the theory in real terms, thank you for sharing, friend.

 11 months ago  

That's right, we are eager to know and to test. And as long as we manage the results well, we can continue to make progress. Greetings @salimuddin

It is unfortunate that people die through wars generated by armaments created by science. Science is undoubtedly immersed in our lives, I hope it can be seen more in health and available to all without restriction.

 11 months ago  

All adjustments for improvement are welcome. Thanks for stopping by. Regards @mariiale1979