DIY Matrix-8 First Platform - Fractal Governance

DIY Instructions to Operate a Matrix-8 Platform

This is Original Content first posted here by at the request of and written by @matrix-8 John Huckel.

The core of this project is the open source Matrix-8 Solution. Basically what the Matrix-8 Solution does, is it allows a group people—no matter how large—to causatively meet in anonymity, deliberate, and democratically reach solutions about whatever their Common Cause may be. It all takes place online. You don't need a giant hall, or auditorium, or stadium in which to localize this process. And the only tools Participants will need are their PC's or Smartphones.

Whatever your group is, you know who you are. You have already established a hub of communication in one or more chatrooms. That base is really all that's needed to get started. If actually doing something beneficial for the Cause that has brought you together is important to you and your fellow Participants – please take the next step. Try the Matrix-8 Solution! It will be just a matter of devoting a few minutes a day—probably less than an hour per week, to get things rolling. Very soon, you will see that you can actually make a real difference in your Cause – far superior to just talking endlessly in a chatroom.

Until the Mother Platform is funded and in place, initially this is what you will have to do:

  1. You, as an Activist for your Cause, contact large groups who are pushing for the same or similar Causes, and invite them to join a Cause Group utilizing the M-8 Platform. Let's say that 8000 individuals wish to be Participants to Save the Penguins!
  2. Explain 8-PAC's (8 People in Active Communication) to them along with the basic mechanics of how the matrix grows geometrically by a factor of 8 . It is a simple geometric progression such that each higher level contains 8 times the number of Participants than in the previous level. A 1st Level 8-PAC is comprised of 8 Participants; a 2nd Level 8-PAC is 64 Participants; a 3rd Level 8-PAC is 512 Participants; etc. You can visualize the growing matrix as a series of interlocking cubes.

    Image Source (and more info.)
    At each of the 8 corners of each cube, sits a Participant.
  3. You invite anyone wishing to participate to select a User Name, and take a generic survey (eg. by using Survey Monkey) The results of the survey will determine how you should group them—according to their shared Agreements—with their 7 Peers into their 1st Level 8-PAC's. (See #12 below.)
  4. Once the surveys are graded, and the 1st Level 8-PAC 's are formed, each Participant is informed of their randomly assigned Password and their randomly assigned 8-PAC Number: 1 through 8.
  5. Each Participant will be given the address of the Zoom, Jitsi, or Google Meet, etc, mini chatroom – and the time when they are invited to first get-together. Their 8-PAC on the meeting platform being used will permit entrance to only those 8 Participants via their passwords.
  6. Their password will get them onto the meeting platform, and into their 8-PAC. While they are in that 8-PAC, their number,1 to 8, not their real name, or even their platform User Name, is their only Identity among their Peers. They will communicate by voice – but their images will be cloaked to maintain Anonymity. To further ensure that Anonymity be maintained, no one is to divulge any information with the intention of making a Pro Hominem Argument suggesting that because of who they are, what they do, or what they have in the Real World – that their Facts are perforce superior to other people's Facts. That sort of argument is fine in the chatroom – but not on the Matrix-8 Platform.
  7. If their Peers find them guilty of breaking Anonymity – that Participant gets a black mark against his or her User Name on the platform (thus affecting their Trusted Reputation score).
  8. They have been tasked with coming up with 2 or 3 proposals for what should be done next regarding their Cause. Each Participant is instructed to keep focused on solutions based on the most verifiable of data. Once they as an 8-PAC have determined those proposals, they choose a (temporary, only during this meeting) Delegate to carry their ideas to the 2nd Level 8-PAC – which will be formed by the Delegate from their 8-PAC plus the Delegates from 7 other 1st Level 8-PAC's. The remaining 7 could even immediately un-elect their delegate if he incorrectly represent the agreed upon consensus and replace him with another (if he/she fails to make correction when informed by the elected secretary - see below).
    They also elect a Secretary from among their remaining 7 Peer Participants. The Secretary will keep the Delegate informed about important concerns from his or her 7 Peers.
  9. The 8 Peers in their 2nd Level 8-PAC repeat the Deliberation sequence, and determine the proposals they want to share. They elect a Delegate and a Secretary, and the sequence continues into the 3rd Level. This sequence continues until the matrix can reach no higher levels.
  10. At each level, Deliberations are open to be monitored by the 7 Peers of each of the 8 Delegates from the lower level (listening to the delegates meeting in real time). If something important develops from the continuing discussions at the lower level, the 8-PAC's Secretary can text their Delegate and inform him or her.
  11. In our group of 8000, it is expected that it may take a while for deliberations to percolate up and down the levels before a Business Plan to save the penguins is agreed to. So, just as there is an initial survey necessary to group the initial 8-PAC's by agreement, there may be 4 or 5 further surveys employed to continue consolidating agreement. No matter how many levels are involved, each time there is a new survey, the existing matrix of interlocking cubes is completely atomized – and new 1st Level 8-PAC's are formed – further concentrating Agreement. Then, as before, Delegates and Secretaries are elected from those new 8-PAC's, and the larger matrix is reformed organically, level by level.
  12. Even while they are debating anonymously on the Matrix-8 Platform, all Participants are encouraged to continue their discussions on the chatroom platforms from which they were recruited. It is important that that there be a recognized group of Opinion Leaders of the Cause Group – acknowledged because of who they are, what they do, and what they have in the Real World. A group of 8 Opinion Leaders will be determined on the Matrix-8 Platform, and tasked with administering any further surveys, and regrouping the new 1st Level 8-PAC's according to the results.
  13. This sequence of: 1) Surveys; 2) Grouping into 1st Level 8-PAC's; and 3) Deliberating, and re=growing the larger matrix; continues until Business Plans are agreed to, funded (if applicable), and put into action in the Real World. It may not be all 8000 who participate in the final Business Plan. And along the way, numerous Business Plans may be put into action by subgroups among the 8000.
  14. After their successes in saving their beloved penguins, it is expected that Participants who have seen the power of the Matrix-8 Solution will stick around. They will want to revisit the platform to see if there's anything else they can do of importance.
  15. There may be a charge for using the Matrix-8 Platform, figured based on two factors – first, a fee to cover the Operating Expenses of the current platform, plus a small surcharge to be paid into a Reserve Account for the platform itself. The second factor in determining the fee is the current critical need to fund the R&D necessary to create a robust, stand-alone, integrated, and seamless, Mother Platform.

Utility Tokens will be donated to those who donate value to the Platform. And then, as the group grows—if only by virtue of the Network Effect, those tokens will grow in value. Folks who help out early should be very well compensated. Because this platform is geared for large groups, we're talking about pulling in 100's, if not 1000's of new Participants at a time.

If this looks like a Cause worth advancing – please join us. Together we can do this!

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All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

#archon #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #PGM #OneUp #m8s #matrix8fixesthis #thoughtfuldailypost #vyb

Ps. Would you like to have some fun and help save the world while doing so?

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