The mother of tilapia died

in INDONESIAN HIVE3 years ago (edited)

Hi all hive blog friends,,

How are you today?
Hopefully we are always in good condition and also Allah always makes it easy and smooth all our affairs, ameen.

"The mother of tilapia died". So far, the exact cause of death is not known.on this occasion, come back with me @muthmainnah in this edition of sharing sad news


This incident was discovered by my husband this morning while controlling his pond and coincidentally it was right behind our house. He was very surprised when he saw the mother fish was already floating lifeless. Investigate a calibaration, apparently the pond owned by the next door neighbor also experienced the same thing. And what is very unfortunate because the biggest parent also died. Even so, we also have to introspect ourselves because this is also a disaster from God for us. Insyaallah there will be wisdom behind all this.


In the past, when we were still living at home, my parents had seen something like this happen. But different from the type of fish that died at that time, at that time the fish that died were not tilapia but milkfish. However, for this type of tilapia, this is the first time seeing him die mysteriously. As for the condition of the water, it seems that it is still safe according to my husband's observations, but even if there is a problem, the weather is currently erratic.

Sometimes it's hot and sometimes it's cloudy and the rain comes suddenly. In fact, if you review it this is not a rainy month anymore. But in reality, until now there is still a high level of rainfall in our area. This difference is Grace, ALLAH is more powerful with all the possibilities that will happen with this life. Just be grateful and enjoy it, the ending will be happy.


Hopefully, through the intercession of the prayers of loved ones, this kind of disaster, Insyaa Allah, will be the last time. Keep asking for God's guidance and guidance, and be given the strength to be able to change something we can change and be patient with an open heart for all the decisions we can't change. God never promises someone's life path is always easy, but God is always there for us whenever and wherever we are. Allah is very close to His servants, therefore ask for everything Insha Allah your prayers will be answered.

That's a little sad news from me. Please pray from all of my friends that there will be no additional victims from this tilapia mother. Thank you very much for all the support and visits, stay enthusiastic and optimistic and consistent with one goal. We can definitely achieve what we aspire to.

Best regards me,