
in INDONESIAN HIVE3 years ago

fishermen sell fish

The sun had been beating down on the small boat all day, and the fishermen were exhausted. They had been out since early morning, and had only caught a few fish. As the day wore on, they began to lose hope.

"I can't believe we finally caught something!"

"Yeah, I thought we were going to be out here all day for nothing."

"Well, we finally got lucky."

"I'll say. That's a big fish."

"It sure is. We'll be able to sell this for a good price."

"I'm just happy we don't have to go home empty-handed."

"Me too. Let's get this fish cleaned and back to shore."

Suddenly, one of the fishermen cried out. He had seen a large fish swimming near the surface of the water. The others quickly got their lines ready, and soon they had pulled in a huge catch. They were so excited, and the tiredness from before was forgotten.

It was a good day after all.

The fisherman sold the fish for a good price, and used the money to buy new supplies for their boat. With their new equipment, they were able to catch even more fish and make a good living. They never forgot the day they finally caught something, and always looked back on it with fond memories.


Hai @acehpungo , postingan Anda telah di-upvote oleh @hive-153476

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