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RE: Ask a photographer #AAP

in PhotoFeed6 months ago

i was surprised to saw you attending this conversation :-) and glad that you got some ideas how to improve this place and to make it maybe less depending on "must" posting in, say, m0n0mad where i was banned a few years ago, cos wasn't agree with the host, who is already left as you wrote above if i guessed correctly the name, due its long inactivity and decrease dictatorship of the community :-)))
good luck with the ideas, and i will happy to help


Howdy @victorbz, i do feel your pain and sentiment more than you realize. Managing the PL community, the Alien Art community, judging the Splinterlands weekly art contest, curating for OCD, and now judging Holozing's Inktober event keeps me more busy than I would like... not to mention having a baby and real life stuff going on.

I love the art of photography and wish I had more time to comment on everyone's posts. I try my best to curate and reward as well as feature the best photographic content we have shared in the community. We are one of the only communities that do features even when the whales aren't voting. Unfortunately, as Acid pointed out many folks don't power up any Hive and have little to offer in the realm of rewards. Most of them don't bother to comment either.

I do think most people are here mostly if not only for the financial aspects and miss out on making connections and friends in the social aspects of what Hive is. I think we have some fantastic photographers, yourself included, and I wish there was more dialogue between everyone. That is the main purpose of doing the HotShots curation posts! I am trying my best to help everyone connect with each other... but the socialization aspects are up to each individual users.

Having said all that... i try my best to appreciate all skill levels and formats of photography. I try to help encourage those with less skills and less professional equipment so that they can grow and discover their own passion for photography. For me, personally, I approached photography as an art from the beginning and less about just getting good 'pictures'.

Analogue needs to be more appreciated by all in this digital age and I have done my best to reward those who are putting in that much work and effort with their photography. Film and development and equipment to do analogue is not cheap and especially when it's compared to the ease of just point and shoot or phone digital photography and editing.

I really appreciate this discussion and the initiative from FriendlyMoose. I don't blame you for being down on the way things operate here on Hive and with photography in general. However, I try my best to find the silver lining and I know that I wouldn't have met so many wonderful people and seen so much diversity in photographic content with the opportunity to connect with the photographers themselves without this platform. I'm thankful for all that Hive has had to offer over the years regardless of some of the shortcomings of the platform and it's users.

Keep up the great work and please don't stop posting. Cheers my friend.

I do think most people are here mostly if not only for the financial aspects and miss out on making connections and friends in the social aspects of what Hive is.

I think a lot of us are. Especially those who need the money to pay the bills. But when I read the comments on this post a lot of people would like to have more engagement too.

Yes, you do create a financial incentive again, but it might be just the push some people need.
And the result will be more engagement.There are initiatives like @commentrewarder and the OCDB comment nominations to generate more rewards for comments.

I'm also playing with another idea (besides this #aap initiative) to promote engagement via comments.

agree with you that "just getting good 'pictures'" is very easy today with the high quality phones cameras and the less professional digital cameras, doing an amazing job, but can't dictate better seeing :-))
thank you for the kind words and the difficult work you're doing here on HiveSure @castleberry ! will continue posting and talking about photography, music and collaboration

I don't see how you do all that, just responding to the comments on my posts wears me out.

The "m0n0mad" host is still here.
It's sad you take every chance to bash the second biggest photographic community in Hive just because you were called out and muted for recycling your own content. Thank yourself for that.

You were muted what? 3 years ago or so?
And still holding the grudge...
I am not much of a statistic type of guy, but I would love to see the value of my curation/proxy votes through the projects I cooperate with comparing to your contribute to the Hive ecosystem along all that time.
You're a flip-flopper, a taker, complaining about whales and stake holders. The same whales and stake holders who actually have the ability to give you the votes you're so disappointed you're not getting.
I don't think you understand the ecosystem you're in or what a DPoS chain is.
You recently even accused us of using a bot (or bots?) to make our selections.
I think this is a good time to ask for you to back up that claim or simply shut the fuck up once and for all.
While you move air around we move stake and support good photography since 2018 (2017 if counting the time I was starting it from my @brumest account). You're paranoid and delusional. Seek help @victorbz.

you make me smile ;-)

Smiling is great.
Your fixation on me and on the black and white community is not. That's not a healthy or sane behaviour.