PhotoFeed Contest - Macro Photography Round 46

in PhotoFeed2 years ago


Today I had a photo day for myself. I went to a new location. This was done not so much in order to find new objects, since I am surrounded by forests and there is no need to talk about the variety of objects, but in order to at least change the situation a little and get new impressions.


Autumn has not yet entered that stage when everything around explodes with bright colors, celebrating the last ball of nature's beauty. In this sense, September is similar to November, only November is sad-gray, and September is tired-green.


The beauty of macro photography is that it allows you to isolate an object from its general context and focus on it, ignoring the bleak background. A single leaf that has already begun to turn yellow, a few acorns (later I took them from my jay, she adores them), a single dried blade of grass... the macro turns all of this into completely separate models.




Indeed, I like macrophotograpy as you can focus on the object and isolate it.