January gave us absolutely amazing weather. It's almost summery. The sun is shining brightly. It's warm and dry outside. And although weather forecasters say it won't last long, I enjoy this warmth. Even if cold and slush are waiting for us ahead, it is this moment and this day that are beautiful.
A short walk with dogs in the forest is a great addition to this almost summer day in the middle of winter. I must admit that the bright sun reconciled me with the lack of snow on Christmas and New Year, when the snow shimmering in the light of the garlands gives a real winter fairy tale.
Dear @torem-di-torem , I wish you an happy New Year! All the best to you and yours, dear friend! (PS: I love these pics of the little treasures of the Nature).
The sun that we have this January make a beautiful day, l like a little bit of a sun in a day, the shot of the plant is beautiful.
Amazing picture.
Really like your art with cameras
It is sunny here too, but somewhat cold in the shadows or after the sunset.
I love your story and the pictures even more. It’s the whole atmosphere of a forest in this season. Thanks for sharing ❤️