PhotoFeed Contest #6- Black & White Photography [AM & PRO]

in PhotoFeed5 years ago (edited)
Authored by @worldcapture
Countdown terminated on Aug 20, 2020, 1:00 AM

Mein Beitrag2.png


Hey Photography Community!

Our community has voted and we have a new theme for the 6th round of our weekly contest series -

Black & White Photography




"Monochrome photography is photography where each position on an image can record and show a different amount of light, but not a different hue."  - WIKI


  • 1 image per user
  • Post your image below in the comments
  • No nudity
  • Only your own original images
  • Mention Tier - Armature/Professional

Winner Voting


Our winner voting goes manually by different curators each week to make it as fair as possible! For our Black & White contest our guest judge will be @EwkaW - One of the curators of the @monochromes project (The biggest B&W photo community on Hive)



Photofeed will provide 10 HIVE for every round. The prize pool can increase if people Tip on this post.
Peakd offers the feature to Send tip's for posts. 100% of the tipped Hive on this post will directly go into the prizepool. The more people tip - The higher the prizepool will be.

150%2.5 Hive + Tip
230%1.5 Hive + Tip
320%1 Hive + Tip


150%2.5 Hive + Tip
230%1.5 Hive + Tip
320%1 Hive + Tip


Current Tip Pool: 5 HIVE (updated every 24h)


Good luck to everyone 📸


Countdown terminated on Aug 20, 2020, 1:00 AM

Tier: Amateur

Black and white drop...


Tatra Mountains, Poland

avenue of baobabs.jpg

Avenue of Baobabs in Madagascar
30sec exposure

Tier: Professional

some more drops... ;-)


Tier: Amateur

My entry: Spotted Deer


Tier: Professional

PhotoFeed Contest #6 - Black & White Photography - A Wedding Story


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Here's my entry - Upper Ebor Falls in New South Wales, Australia.

Click to view larger.

Tier: Professional

Tier: Professional

Fish vendor in Sri Lanka


Life is in Color, but Black and White is Reality
Tier: Amateur

Small buttercup flowers along the streets were magical in making the rain drops looks like Pearls


For my entry into the contest, I am submitting my photo from Uyuni, Bolivia:

Tunupa Volcano from the Salt Flats

Tier: Professional

I would also like to make a suggestion to future competitions. Perhaps have a greater reward pool for professional submissions to incentivize fairer submissions. If the reward is the same, you may end up having more people submitting to the amateur tier so they don't compete with higher caliber images. This would operate similar to sports. Just an idea.

Also, I would be more than happy to get involved as a curator/judge on future contests.

Thanks for the first entry @bradfordtennyson! Great capture!

That would be amazing if you want to help out with the judging of the contests - I'd highly appreciate that!

Just lemme know how I can help out!

Def! I'll hit you up soon! Probably already for round 7 😀


Cool 👌 there is strong sun, it helps to make strong shadows 😊👌

Tier: Amateur

Yesterday I was looking for pictures with my new lens, then I saw this horrible little bird, I couldn't resist, I changed the lens and took the picture, you can see that the little bastard looks horrible, but hopefully he will grow up to be a strong bird.


I already see some amazing entries. Here is mine, including a post about it where you can win 2 HIVE!

Tier: Amateur

The first rays of sun


Hobbyist level.

Tier: Pro

Random Click by me
In frame : Stephanie lin


Hey, here's my entry, good luck to all, wonderful entries so far :)


Tier: Pro

Here's my entry, entitled Endless Snow.
Tier: Amature
Date taken: February 2nd, 2019
DSC_1093 copy.jpg

My entry! :-)
Tier - Armature 🌿

Hi everyone,
this is my entry - Light over the Dark Times in our history:


Tier - Amateur

Tier: Professional (Self-taught Photographer)

Hi! Here is my entry:

Tier: Amateur

“I am leaving” — Old Town, Rhodes, Greece, 2012. [Amateur Tier]


Protruding Light in B&W

Tier: Professional

Cozy underground.
• • •
The Moscow subway. Station "Savelovskaya"

Tier: Professional


I'm a newbie to this plaform and and just joined this community when I saw this contest. Really nice that you organise this! After reading the rules I still have a question.

The photo I would like to submit for this contest is one I already posted earlier on this platform. The original was in color and cropped differently. Am I allowed to submit this photo? If so, here it is 😊

Canal at sunrise

Greetings. This is my entry to the PhotoFeed Contest #6 - Black & White Photography

Tier: Amateur

Reaching for the Sun
