Solitude — Soledad | PhotoFeed Contest - Black and White Photography

in PhotoFeed3 months ago (edited)



The photos of this post, transmit the feeling of solitude; they show a lonely freighter in the vastness of the ocean. In the first image, we clearly see the different elements, among them the clouds and their shadows on the sea, which frame the image. The second image is of minimalistic character, the main compositional element is the line of the horizon.

The photos were taken with the camera of a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and post-processed with Gimp.


Las fotografías de esta publicación muestran un barco carguero solitario en el inmensidad del océano. La primera imagen, se ven claramente los elementos como las zonas oscuras y claras y las nubes (las cuales enmarcan la composición), mientras que en la segunda, es de corte minimalista, el elemento principal es el horizonte.

Las fotos fueron tomadas con la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra y editadas en Gimp.


With these images I am taking part in the PhotoFeed Contest - Black and White Photography #98 post. organized by @photofeed. The rules can be read in this
Con estas imágenes estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico PhotoFeed Contest - Black and White Photography #98post. organizado por @photofeed. las bases del concurso se pueden leer en este


Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.
Gracias por visitar mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Images by @nenio — All rights reserved


The ocean makes us all feel tiny and insignificant :) Impressive shots.

@tipu curate 5

I also feel like that about the ocean.
Thanks for your support.
I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!

Thank you. Happy New Year to you & yours as well! :)