PhotoFeed contest - Black and white Contest 101- Soviet snappers.

in PhotoFeed2 months ago

An interesting little museum cum private gallery tucked away down a back street, in Bukhara, my kind of place. It was only a small room hung with a vast array of gorgeous mono and sepia photographs from earlier times. Sadly all behind glass which gave off reflections, together with a sign, you know the kind, no photography allowed.

Usually not one to bother with warning signs but when there is a big beefy guard with a stick sitting at a desk in such a small room I was kinda fucked.

There were prints of the photographs available to purchase from said man with a stick. Hmm no thank you.

They were brilliant snaps, no photoshop available in those days. The photographer was Shavkat Boltaev, a resident and professional photographer of Bukhara who lived from 1957-2022. The subject was people, mainly Bukharan jews and gypsies, going about their lives in the city.

Said man with a stick did allow me to take some snaps of the vintage cameras that were lying around of charge. Whoop dee freakin' Doo










Apart from the Canon I must admit to not knowing any of the others.

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me (©@grindle) all text is mine, based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also please feel free to drop a comment.


My kind of place too! all those babies are wonderful and appealing - once they were working horses, without any dust covering them now. 😌

Yes I agree true cameras

Lol I am genuinely laughing. I am sure your were not pleased at all. However nice stories and discovered some cameras you were not familiar with.

then my work here is done, LOL yes some nice vintage stuff