Light Painting in the Hills

in PhotoFeed3 years ago

2021-11-27 Star Trails.jpg

Last weekend, I visited a spot on Mount Rigaud for some lightpainting. I trudged up the back side of the mountain with my wife just as the sun was setting. Wet snow had just fallen, and was clinging to the trees.


As the light was fading, we got this next photo using burning steel wool.


When it was dark, I set up a second camera to shoot star trails. Meanwhile, my brother joined us for supper around a campfire. Then we got this next shot. Orbs are not very difficult to produce, and I like the alien-looking results.

2021-11-27 Orbs.jpg

Then we went back to my other star trails composition, and did a couple of orbs there as well. By then, we were freezing cold and ready to head down the mountain.

2021-11-27 Star Trails.jpg