Happy Sunday y'all !!!
On the Wrong Side of the Street...
I think the saying colloquially is "born on the wrong side of the tracks", so I am kind of making it my own by saying I am living on the wrong side of the street. As anyone that has followed these pages knows, I hate the snow, so given the choice, I want to live on the snow free side of the street.
It's kind of weird living on the wrong side of the street it seems. We have a lot of snow sticking around and it kind of makes you wonder if we're living wrong and they're living right.
By the way, I hope there can be found an American company or consortium to buy TikTok because where else can one find such a gem that expresses my deeply heartfelt feelings about the snow than the much underappreciated ”Fxck Snow”
The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!
Well to make myself feel better about my weather related predicament and not being able to work on the lake lot, I decided to make some Chinese fried dumplings, or more commonly known as pot stickers for lunch.
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What if you moved to Florida and then it started snowing there too and you realized, that no matter where you went, the snow was going to follow you. It's like a super power that is not so super...LOL !
I've never made any myself, but Golden China here makes some pretty good ones.
It is good to have some comfort food when it is cold and snowy outside.
I know like the rain cloud that follows Eeyore around! Charlie Brown luck!
I don't like the snow too. I live on the snow free side but too much rain here recently.