Happy Sunday y'all !!!
Being that the Blackburn Inn used to be an insane asylum was interesting enough to make the trip worthwhile.Recently I traveled to Staunton Virginia and stayed at the Blackburn Inn. https://www.blackburn-inn.com/
However the main reason for going was to board the Blue Ridge Mountain scenic train that departs from a depot in Staunton. Of course having to make reservations nearly a year in advance, the question of the fall foliage colors and the peak dates is always unanswerable.
Regardless of the peak fall colors or not, I was looking forward to making the trip is this was going to be my first train ride ever.
Interestingly the scenic tour uses the same railway tracks is does Amtrak as well as common freight trains.
I found the inside of the passenger cars to be spacious and comfortable. Quite the opposite of flying on a plane where space is at a premium in one often feels cramped and crowded.
There was seating for two at the smaller tables and seating for a party of up to four at larger tables.
I will say I was slightly disappointed with the photography opportunities. After all these rail lines are primarily used for freight and not for photographs, Hence the openings between the tree lined tracks come up quickly with no warning and are far and few between. In other words scenery can be pleasantly seen with the human eye, but by time one brings the camera up to the ready the scene has likely been passed by.
The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!
However the bright spot of course was the food. I got the chili bread bowl and Ben got the turkey dinner.
I was quite impressed with how stable the ride was. Drinks were just sat on the smooth table without a care of them being spilled!!
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I think Ben chose the winner. That plate looked amazing. I wish we could travel easily by train in Canada, but the routes are sparse and the cost crazy high. Train travel is the best.
Wow, half a year in advance booking to see the John Denver's blue ridge mountains is sure worth it to me.
Haven't been able to see any fall colors since several years ago. I went to trip to New English once during fall when I was living in Kansas City. It was nice. Too bad not much photo opportunity on the train.
I rode Amtrak back in the pre-pandemic era, and found it remarkably comfortable. Unfortunately, the most scenic part of the ride through Glacier National Park was in the pre-dawn hours. It's hard to beat the leg room, though. Once can recline without intruding on people in the seats behind you. The food is good. And the observation car was a pleasant place to just hang out.
The food looks delicious! Great pics!