Happy Sunday, y'all !
Although this feels more like Market Friday post I am too late for that so I think I will slip it in as a beautifully Sublime Sunday post.
The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!
It's barely just September but of course they have a lot of Halloween merchandise up and available for purchase at our local Michaels store in Roanoke Virginia. It's kind of hard to think "Fall Y'all" when it's been pushing 90s out lately LOL.
It's hard to overemphasize just how large this big boy actually was. I stand about 6 ft tall and came up to his rib cage so I'm guessing every bit of 10 ft tall. I didn't see a price tag on him, but I'm sure he cost a pretty penny.
I have to say they had a bigger supply of skulls than a medical school lab! They stock skulls from minute size to bowling ball size.
Now most folks would think going to Michael's would be generally a G-rated trip, much like a G-rated movie. Ah but for those of us with a keen eye (and possibly a dirty mind), there were some skeletons behaving in a naughty manner!
Not that I am a prude of course, but should this post be tagged NSFW? Well who am I to judge, after all it is eternal love…
Well beyond the sexy skeletons, there was some fall themed merchandise available.
In many respects I feel like Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year because I love the harvest and fall weather too.
Overall it was a fun shopping experience. I will admit to purchasing a few things here and there. Of course those things will be featured in an upcoming post, I am sure.
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The skeletons were hot, they took off their clothes and well... you know everything got out of control. Nah... that tag, let the prudes use it. 😂
Those R-rated ones probably think that's a good way to go when it's time to go.
I guess the pumpkin trip will be happening at a different place this year.
I guess that is the best way to go...😁
I love Michael's. I think I have only been there once since covid started. It is not near me, but more than that, it is in a complex that is easy to get into, but not so easy to get out of as whoever was in charge of the design, made a real mess of the main entrance and it is very dangerous. To get out in the safest way, it is best to go the LONG way around
Who knew they would be selling "skeleton's having sexy time" decor?? Not me.... till now.