"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
Charles Dickens used the brilliant line to start off A Tale of Two Cities. I think it is perfect to sum up how various people not far apart can have totally different life experinces at the identical same time. For me, today was nice because for once in about a month we had no rain whatsoever. Actually it was pleasant because it was hot, but not too hot. It is summer after all... Yet nearby we had 3 teen high schoolers tragically lose their life.
The sun dropping in the sky as I try to shift, steer, and snap a pic with my phone. At least on these country roads the only danger is hitting a rabbit, but rest assured no bunnies were harmed in this photo attempt.
Today five guys were found unresponsive in a travel trailer they were camping in. Three were pronounced dead at the scene and two were rushed to the hospital and remain in critical condition. Apparently they were close to a generator and are suspected to have fallen victim to carbon monoxide.
Perhaps it is rude to show my food after just mentioning the recently dead, however nearly at the same time they were about to step into eternity, I made lemon pudding this week. Meh two weeks in a row and I cannot get people to try it. Admittedly last weeks was a flop and that may have influenced more folks not to try their own country.
I actually was pretty ones proud of this spicy chicken and stir fry from Kroger. Yummy!
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That is so tragic. I can't even imagine how those poor parents are coping right now.
The beginning of their lives almost starting. May they rest in peace.
I remember me and the kids were swimming at the sandbar when we saw right across the lake the sheriff boat seemingly pulling over every boat. We thought that was mighty strange. Well then the chopper showed up and we knew something was wrong. We were having a fun time in the sun and water while a young guy was drowning and we had no clue...
I know exactly what you are saying.
The day my brother died, I was devastated, and, one of the worst things was that the world was continuing to spin, just like nothing had happened. People went to work, had lunch out, purchased new houses... didn't they know my brother just died?
They had no clue. It's true.
Man, shouldn't take the risk of taking rhe picture. There's always a next one. Sorry to hear about the tragedy of the 5 guys. We have a tragic incident in a school here too. A 16 year student killed a 13 year old with an axe. News had it they don't even know each other.
You are right about the photo, no question about it.
Wow that is horrible. Sometimes I think only that crazy stuff happens over here.
You guys get the firearms a bit too easily and sometimes they fall into the wrong hands
Oh how sad. That really is tragic. The poor young folks, and their families. Carbon monoxide poisoning is so deadly.
That said, I'm glad you're enjoying your culinary adventures and had a day without rain!
It really is deadly and also so preventable. My kids goof on me for being a worry wort, but you do have to always be thinking about what could go wrong to some degree.
I know, right? And that's kind of our job, as the loser parents! Ha ha.
Best Regards Camping Club Hive Community on Hive
Ohhhh... that is so sad.
On the other hand.... life goes on for everyone else.
I remember one time, riding in the family car as my first Mother-In-Law was being taken to her final resting place. Most people were being respectful and pulling over so the procession could pass. It was a sad cloudy day. I remember thinking about that very thing as I stared out the car window, how the family could be in such a time of mourning for a mother recently lost and meanwhile, the rest of the world was buzzing along it's merry way, having fun, doing their mundane things and everything in between. Just something you don't think about a lot when you are not in the middle of it and yet, that is how it is all the time. Someone is dying somewhere every second, but if you don't know it, your life is unaffected.