Today was a voting day here in Serbia, for the president and members of the National Assembly, so I went to vote and I was lucky because it wasn't crowded at all. I live in a small place and I assume majority of people already went to vote as my parents told be it was crowded earlier when they went. Coming back home I took a photo of our tulips that really stand out on gloomy and grey days like today, their pop of color always makes me happy. Since I've been taking photos of them lately, here's a small collection of them blooming, I hope you like it. :)

We have more pretty flowers around our house and I am really hoping these cold days/nights won't affect them. Few days ago I also went to the library because I was tagged in an Instagram 'traffic lights book' challenge and since I only own two books I couldn't participate without visiting library, lol. I did it in a rush so I actually made a mistake with the red book thinking I read it but I actually read two other books from this author but not this one, haha. Now I feel obligated to read this one too which is not a problem since I do like the author.

These photos were also taken few days ago on my way back home from the post office. I already shared photos of this dog and I still pass by his street and pet him every time I see him. This time he was so excited, more than usual and I stayed with him for a while.
I love cuddles

Wait, don't go!

The reason I went to the post office is to pick up Avon package from the second order in March. It was a small order but I am still satisfied with how it's going. I am trying not to order a lot for myself anymore but I did get a face serum as I used up mine two months ago so I thought it was finally time to get a new one (the price in March was a great deal as well) and I, once again, fell into discount trap and got a 400ml micellar water for a very good price even though I am still working through the one I have but it's okay because they will all get used up eventually. :D
So can have unproductive days. Like normal people haha
I'm surprised
Well, you still did some activities so it wasn't a wasted day 😉
did your favorite candidate win the elections?
Haha, it wasn't a total fail but my to-do list is judging me.
I will check what's going on, the elections lasted until 8pm so now we're waiting... :)
We had the same gloomy weekend so yesterday I stayed home all day since it was pouring rain all day.
It felt like I spent the whole weekend in the kitchen cooking and baking since my husband worked all weekend and the weather wasn't very nice.