Average user's POV: Ubuntu 24.04

in Linux9 months ago
Authored by @Unkle Bonehead

Average user's POV: Ubuntu 24.04by @unklebonehead on UnkleBonehead View my bio on CastGarden: https://cast.garden/c/defluenced

I go through the beta Ubuntu 24.04 from an average user's pov. I show that a lot of the "hate" that was thrown at Ubuntu is unfounded and mostly people just hating on Ubuntu because its the "cool" thing to do.

My sites:

Get the beta at https://releases.ubuntu.com Clear web - https://unklebonehead.xyz i2p - http://unklebonehead.i2p/ Tor - http://2aqiq2la2omn3nyyupq5onxcmovbjsanikxh5wqw3ejzi4wuqtxr5mid.onion/

Check out today’s video..!


Your upvotes and comments are much appreciated! 😊