The Future is Secure Because it Brings Change....

in Community Schools5 years ago
A free community and a decentralized democracy is a utopia if the rules are based on money. Many left because they got into the story that they could make money from blogging, then they were attacked because they were struggling to make money. Many do not know English and this is a language barrier, some have really thought that with spam they can make a fortune overnight. Many were punished even though they were not guilty because they did not belong to a particular lobby group. Now there is a dilemma why the sale of Steemit came about, why did Justin @justinsunsteemit invest money in a sinking ship? If the voting system is based on money, then everything is based on capitalism, because there are pressure measures used to reward certain groups of people and others who do not think the same way should be punished - it is not a free society. Only if one user votes for one witness does the vote not depend on Steem Power do we have a chance to become democratically decentralized and free? If it is possible to have witnesses from all continents, then we have the opportunity to unite society and become the largest business social network in the world. We need real freedom, equality, investors, mass, positivism without downvotes. It's time to wake up, start talking honestly, because witnesses make money, application owners make money and that's their idea, investors make money as well as bloggers, but only if Steem is strong


I do not see the need to fight investors and businessmen in order to keep the rulers in place and do whatever they want. We need synergy and a new direction that will bring mass adoption, I want to see, like all of you, a strong and powerful Steem, in a way of freedom of writing, without restriction. This happened because Steem collapsed to the bottom as there was a little stock market turnover and only a few hundred users remained active on Steemit. We have to think seriously, to understand that Justin @justinsunsteemit is not the cause of our condition, but he is our consequence.

We are supposed to act as free citizens, too many, a dollar is a big investment, someone ate bread from Steem blockchain but we thwarted it with bad leadership. Dan Larimar EOS owner left the Steem blockchain and is now making his social network, this is the beginning when the lead developer left our blockchain, Ned did not know how to manage and the witnesses did not complete the task of raising Steem to a level of success. Now everything is upsetting, this is good because we need to wake up and change the way that has led us to this bad situation.


If we separate ourselves and do new experiments then only the breaking of the Steem blockchain will happen and EOS won, and that was its goal. Damage to Steem and Steemit, transfer users and investors to your network, and that's the end of the story. We need to negotiate with Justin, we need a strong business leader who will really lift us to the top, in the place we all want. We need to understand that he is not to blame for the bad situation, we should use his position for marketing, investment, to build a better and more beautiful Steem ecosystem with him.

He needs the network to implement business models, we need the money and a strong Steem and I believe there is a way to create a synergy of success for all parties. We will see the real truth soon, I would love to see change before we go so far that we can no longer recover. It is not a point for someone to win, the point is for investors, businessmen, bloggers, ordinary people to become winners. I want people from poor countries to realize their future on the Steem blockchain, that everyone has the freedom to show their best qualities because that is how we will become free, creative and strong.


Every obstacle and difficult situation is a real chance to make progress. We have a historic chance to change direction and begin to grow as a society, to become strong and present in all parts of the world and public life. To me this is natural, this had to happen and it is good that we all look at the mistakes together and never repeat them again.
Creativity and the future bring good news for all users, our mission is to become clear and visible because we can truly be the new FB.

We will be happy if all users from all over the world feel free if they see the opportunity to be equal and respected as part of the Steem community. This problem with Justin has united the community, we should take this as a deep message that it is time to make love and not war. We always win when we are together, we are successful only if we have a strong Steem.

A bright future lies ahead


Original post written by @dobartim
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great explanation though. The future for sure will be good. We have each other, and having each other, supporting the community is a good thing. Kudos for the post 😉

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Too late, my friend.

Maybe, We will see.

A bright future lies ahead ✌️✌️

Posted using Partiko iOS

I count on it, one without lies.💕

Posted using Partiko Android

We need that

Thank you for writing this. I thought I was the only one hoping a new captain could sail this ship out of troubled water.
The only thing I read is scolding, anger, blaming @justinsunsteemit for what others did before he bought this. It sounds to me as if he is the cause of everything.
No one has a closer look at itself, his own deeds.
In the past years, this platform changed a lot and nearly nothing remained the same. Old steem, new steem... My pockets were not filled. I was told a change is good, you need to be flexible.

A new owner means change, new rules and it's no longer important what steem(it) once was build for, what counts is how to go one or... Make a new start.

I agree it is all about the money and without you do not count.

I wish you a great stay.

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome comment

You are welcome. I hope to read you more frequently. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you

Cuando miramos las cosas de forma subjetiva, podemos estar parcializados. Tal vez todo esto, además de ser una guerra de poderes, es na batalla donde cada ejercito está de su propio lado, como es común (testigos contra Sun) Y nosotros, ¿Dónde quedamos? Los más pequeños somos los que llevamos la peor parte de todo esto, porque desconocemos la raiz que ha desatado todo esto, y cuando publicamos, nuestros artículos e historias, pasan sin ser percibidos, y teniendo como ganancia única, la satisfacción de haber hecho un post que solo yo leo. En todo esto, el diálogo es una alternativa excelente: He visto que han sido pocos los testigos colocados por la comunidad dentro del Top 20. ¿Cuántas personas somos? ¿por qué no hay más testigos dentro de esa lucha de poderes? ¿Ha olvidado la comunidad que tenemos el poder de elegir? ¿O tal vez están pensando de forma diferente? Mi cretividad se ha opacado ante tanta información negativa en las redes, unos en contra y otros a favor. Me arriesgaré a confiar que todo esto traerá más beneficios, a nosotros los pequeños, cuando en una mesa de diálogo se puedan llegar a buenos acuerdos que beneficien a las partes que solo desean manejar mejor la plataforma. Creo que las cosas no regresaran a lo mismo; Hay mucho dinero en juego. Pero aún podemos convertir este lugar, como el mejor de todos, si cada uno cede un poquito para dialogar en paz.

Me quedo con esta frase: "Cada obstáculo y situación difícil es una oportunidad real para progresar"

When we look at things subjectively, we can be biased. Perhaps all this, besides being a war of powers, is a battle where each army is on its own side, as is common (witnesses against Sun) And we, where are we? The smallest are the ones who carry the worst part of all this because we do not know the root that has unleashed all this, and when we publish, our articles and stories, pass without being perceived and having as a single gain, the satisfaction of having made a post that only I read. In all this, the dialogue is an excellent alternative: I have seen that there have been few witnesses placed by the community in the Top 20. How many people are we? Why are there no more witnesses in that power struggle? Have you forgotten the community that we have the power to choose? Or maybe they are thinking differently? My creativity has been overshadowed by so much negative information on the networks, some against and others in favor. I will risk trusting that all this will bring more benefits, to us the little ones, when in a dialogue table we can reach good agreements that benefit the parties that only want to better manage the platform. I think things will not return to the same; There's big money at stake. But we can still turn this place, as the best of all, if each one gives a little to dialogue in peace.

@bitcoinroute, @hermes1666, @marybellrg, @antoniarhuiz, @lisfabian

I keep this phrase: "Every obstacle and difficult situation is a real opportunity to progress"

Agradezco mucho que me invitaras a leer este post mi querido @oneray, debo decir que es muy bueno y consigno con mi opinión.

Como hemos hablado, la situación no es entre nosotros, la comunidad.
Una lucha de poderes que nos deja ver y discutir que aquí podríamos tener soluciones a nuestros problemas sociales y un símil para aplicarlas. La naturaleza del ser humano es la defensa y en esta "guerra" parece que deberíamos tomar partido, como peones quizá, pero la realidad es que cada discusión va liberando de esos valores a quienes pueden acceder a discusión real del tema, comprendiendo que estas herramientas pueden ser mejor construidas y que sabremos reconocerlas.
Pon tus barbas en remojo siempre que veas la de tu vecino arder.
Mi voto a los witness, es una muestra de confianza en lo único que podemos hacer, que negocien, pero lo puedo quitar en un minuto, puedo volver a ser invisible.
Lo que no podrán reconstruir es la fantasía de la descentralización basada en la teoría del poder del dinero, no ha Sido demagogia decir que el valor lo tiene el contenido, solo que tiene que combatir primero la batalla del poder de quién más tiene para destacar.
Hay quienes se van a dormir felices pensando que serán visibles ahora que escribieron un post levantando la bandera de la guerra y que van ganando porque "juntos derrotamos a Justin" y eso está bien pero sostener esa pasión con la realidad es difícil.

Lo inorgánico es pensar que ahora sus post seguirán siendo invisibles porque no hay gente leyendo ni escribiendo, sino gente haciendo negocios con shitpost y maquinaria de votos.

Que se han creado aplicaciones que mejoran el manejo de la red? Pues al menos ya sé que si hago vídeo es mejor uno, si escribo de viajes otro y si solo quiero contar una historia random lo publico en todos, pero todo ese ensayo y error servirá para tener lo mejor que se pueda, que funcione, que genere ganancias y que sirva para escalar, no hemos llegado aún cerca pero no es estático, quizá aparezca una propuesta mejor y la podamos reconocer con todo lo que hemos aprendido.
Gracias se nuevo por la discusión, mi cerebro no para y es emocionante.

P.D:Sería bueno que trataras de salir de la lista negra de buildawhale.

P.D: It would be nice if you try to get off the buildawhale blacklist

We will see whats happend

We win only together

It is definitely, a power struggle for the interests of each one. Money? Yes, that's the goal. I compare this war with the family, when mom and dad fight and argue, leaving the children in the middle waiting to see what happens. This is like the Venezuelan government and the opposition. But meanwhile the people on the platform, the little ones, continue to do the work because we like it, with the hope that this war will end now. On the other hand, I wonder why so few witnesses have made it into the top 20. Could it be that many think they deserve it? I don't know if that's the case. The truth is that we must raise our voice for peace.

Keep going

Es bueno saber un poco lo que ocurre por acá. Leer de aquí y de allá no trae nada positivo. Cada quien da su opinión, pero ninguna es verás. Más bien como si tratasen de desanimar a todos con información carente de certeza.
En verdad es reconfortante leer sobre lo que realmente pasa y lo que puede pasar si no actuamos unidos. Por que a pesar que puedan ser malas o buenas noticias, se dice una verdad, y procedemos a analizar nuestra acción a partir de ella. Gracias por darnos una visión más exacta de lo que acontece, @dobartim.

It is good to know a little what happens by steem. Reading from here and there brings nothing positive. Everyone gives their opinion, but none is you will see. Rather as if they were trying to discourage everyone with information without certainty.
It is really comforting to read about what really happens and what can happen if we do not act together. Because although they may be bad or good news, a truth is told, and we proceed to analyze our action from it. Thank you for giving us a more accurate view of what is happening, @dobartim.

Go forward, We win together

@heartbeat1515 I believe you should read this article. It gives a clear view of what happened and is really going on. 💕
Know who you vote for.

@gertu, @sacra97, @felixgarciap, @oneray
Creo que deberías leer este artículo. Da una visión clara de lo que sucedió y realmente está sucediendo. 💕
Saber por quién votas .

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for tagging me. I've reblog it to read later after I'm done with my daily work.

Thank, I'll see. @wakeupkitty.
