Runes are a form of ancient writing originally related to liturgies and Celtic rites, the ancient religion of the inhabitants of the Nordic and Scandinavian lands, their use was limited to the spiritual area, not as a support for their spoken language. With the beginning of this series of publications, we begin with the promotion of all those graphs or alphabets that were part of the ancestral cultures with which we are still linked in some way.

En la figura de la derecha pueden observar el diseño completamente vectorizado lo cual indica que la imagen es original del autor del post, no bajada de internet y los derechos de usos son limitados.In the fugura of the right they can observe the completely vectorized design which indicates that the image is original of the author of the post, not downloaded from the internet and the rights of uses are limited.I hope you like the design

De acuerdo a la tradición del Oráculo Rúnico del linaje de los sacerdotes de Odin, la runa Uruz enseña que algo viejo está muriendo para que algo nuevo nazca, sentirás que todo se detiene o se ha vuelto monótono y aburrido, pero es solo un tránsito hacia nuevos rumbos, nuevas metas de acuerdo a la magnitud de lo que vas dejando atrás, de acuerdo a la magnitud del sacrificio y esfuerzo que actualmente puedas estar haciendo.
Al aparecer invertida le puede estar indicando que aun no se ha percatado del momento en que está viviendo y pierda oportunidades valiosas que se le puedan estar presentando hasta tal punto de convertir a su más grande enemigo en su mayor fuerza aliada o de que todo sea solo un gran susto, desasosiego o mal entendido.
Al aparecer invertida le puede estar indicando que aun no se ha percatado del momento en que está viviendo y pierda oportunidades valiosas que se le puedan estar presentando hasta tal punto de convertir a su más grande enemigo en su mayor fuerza aliada o de que todo sea solo un gran susto, desasosiego o mal entendido.
the Uruz rune teaches that something old is dying for something new to be born, you will feel that everything stops or has become monotonous and boring, but it is only a transit to new directions, new goals according to the magnitude of what you are leaving behind , according to the magnitude of the sacrifice and effort that you may currently be making.
When he appears inverted, he may be indicating that he has not yet realized the moment in which he is living and loses valuable opportunities that may be presented to him to the point of turning his greatest enemy into his greatest allied force or that everything is only a great fright, restlessness or misunderstanding.