Runes are a form of ancient writing originally related to liturgies and Celtic rites, the ancient religion of the inhabitants of the Nordic and Scandinavian lands, their use was limited to the spiritual area, not as a support for their spoken language. With the beginning of this series of publications, we begin with the promotion of all those graphs or alphabets that were part of the ancestral cultures with which we are still linked in some way.

En la figura de la derecha pueden observar el diseño completamente vectorizado lo cual indica que la imagen es original del autor del post, no bajada de internet y los derechos de usos son limitados.In the fugura of the right they can observe the completely vectorized design which indicates that the image is original of the author of the post, not downloaded from the internet and the rights of uses are limited.I hope you like the design

De acuerdo a la tradición del Oráculo Rúnico del linaje de los sacerdotes de Odin, la runa Nauthiz avisa sobre los obstáculos que pudieran estar estancando algún proyecto de vida, éstos pueden estar dentro de nosotros mismos por lo cual es momento de análisis y comprensión interna. Todo lo que tenemos por dentro atrae y repele.
Al aparecer invertida pudiera anunciar obstáculos venidos de quienes nos rodea, por lo cual es momento de análisis muy detallado de la situación.
Al aparecer invertida pudiera anunciar obstáculos venidos de quienes nos rodea, por lo cual es momento de análisis muy detallado de la situación.
According to the tradition of the Runic Oracle of the lineage of the priests of Odin, the Rune Nauthiz warns about the obstacles that could be stagnating some life project, these can be within ourselves for which it is time for analysis and internal understanding. Everything we have inside attracts and repels.
When it appears inverted, I could announce obstacles coming from those around us, so it is time for a very detailed analysis of the situation.