Hola amigos, saludos a todos en esta semana tan grandiosa, comenzando el mes de noviembre con mucho entusiasmo, ya pronto será Navidad y es la época que más me gusta porque de manera automática se transforma mi humor y no hay nada que me perturbe 😊.
Aunque debo confesar que en estos días hay algo que está perturbando mi mente, no se asusten, no se trata de nada malo, pero si de algo muy dulce que estoy loca por probar, se trata de un café que vi por una red social muy famosa y que me pareció muy original, principalmente por su presentación.
Pues buscando información para averiguar el lugar donde lo vendían, resulta que en otras oportunidades he tomado café en este lugar, incluso publiqué un artículo del mismo ya que me encantó que su café era elaborado con leche evaporada, aquí les dejo el enlace por si gustan leerlo.
Se llama "Un Café Contigo", su café tradicional es de excelente calidad, así que tengo muy buenas expectativas para este tipo de café que voy a degustar.
Hello friends, greetings to all in this great week, starting the month of November with great enthusiasm, it will soon be Christmas and it is the time that I like the most because my mood is automatically transformed and there is nothing that disturbs me 😊.
Although I must confess that these days there is something that is disturbing my mind, do not panic, it is not about anything bad, but something very sweet that I am crazy to try, it is a coffee that I saw by a very famous social network and that seemed to me very original, mainly for its presentation.
Well, looking for information to find out where they sold it, it turns out that in other opportunities I have had coffee in this place, I even published an article about it because I loved that their coffee was made with evaporated milk, here I leave the link if you like to read it.
It is called "A Coffee With You", their traditional coffee is of excellent quality, so I have very good expectations for this type of coffee that I am going to taste.
Así que la semana pasada me fui con José Luis a probar este café tan llamativo, me da mucha risa porque José Luis me dijo enseguida que me vio: ese café lo vas a probar tu sola porque a mí me parece horrible un café con tanto dulce🤣. Entiendo totalmente su punto de vista, pero yo si no podía perderme esta diversión.
Si les soy sincera, me sentía como una niña que va a probar un nuevo sabor de helado con muchas chispas de colores. Pues resulta que cuando llegamos al lugar, el café no lo estaban vendiendo ya que les faltaba un ingrediente para completar su decoración 😏, me sentí tan decepcionada, al punto de reclamarles a las personas que lo que vi en las redes era una publicación engañosa; al tiempo que José Luis les insistía que él venía desde otra ciudad solo para probar ese café😁.
No nos quedó de otra, que tomarnos un café latte que para mí en ese momento resultó ser tan común y corriente y más que todo aburrido. A penas hoy es martes pero ya deseo hacer mi segundo intento, lo bueno es que este lugar está muy cerca de mi casa, pero con el clima tan loco que hemos tenido estos días a causa de las ondas tropicales que están afectando nuestro país⛈, se ha hecho costumbre que prácticamente todas las tardes llueva.
So last week I went with José Luis to try this coffee so flashy, it makes me laugh a lot because José Luis told me immediately when he saw me: that coffee you are going to try it by yourself because I find horrible a coffee with so much sweet🤣. I totally understand his point of view, but I couldn't miss this fun.
To be honest, I felt like a little girl who was going to try a new flavor of ice cream with lots of colorful sprinkles. It turns out that when we arrived at the place, the coffee was not being sold because they were missing an ingredient to complete its decoration 😏, I felt so disappointed, to the point of complaining to the people that what I saw in the networks was a misleading publication; while José Luis insisted that he came from another city just to try that coffee😁.
We had no choice but to have a latte that for me at that moment turned out to be so common and ordinary and most of all boring. The good thing is that this place is very close to my house, but with the crazy weather we have had these days because of the tropical waves that are affecting our country⛈, it has become a habit that it rains almost every afternoon.
Les voy a ir adelantando un poco de lo que trata este café; es un café con leche servido en una taza de galleta, no les parece muy ingenioso? Pero no solo esto, el borde de la taza está untado con nutella o chocolate con avellanas y cubierto con chispas de colores (creo que este ingrediente es demasiado pero hace que el vaso se vea más llamativo), una vez incorporado el café en la taza, la misma es cubierta con crema chantilly o crema batida como se le conoce en otros lugares.
Que les parece? Se lo pueden imaginar? En nuestra primera visita, no había uno de estos ingredientes, adivinen cual?, pues nada más y nada menos que la crema batida. A pesar de que me ofrecieron el café por un precio más bajo al no tener la crema, igual no quise pedirlo así, lo quiero tal y como lo vi en la publicación, ni más ni menos😌.
Lo que sí puedo decirles es que la taza es del tamaño de un café grande con forma de vaso y sus ingredientes principales son el azúcar, harina y mantequilla, muy crocante a la vista. No pude evitar revisarla en su interior, al parecer tiene una cubierta fuerte de azúcar para evitar que a mitad de camino nuestro café se derrumbe, así como el ingenio de su inventor🤣.
I'm going to give you a little preview of what this coffee is about; it's a latte served in a cookie cup, don't you think it's very ingenious? But not only this, the rim of the cup is spread with nutella or chocolate with hazelnuts and covered with colored sprinkles (I think this ingredient is too much but it makes the cup look more striking), once the coffee is incorporated into the cup, it is covered with whipped cream or whipped cream as it is known in other places.
What do you think? Can you imagine? On our first visit, there was not one of these ingredients, guess what, nothing more and nothing less than whipped cream. Even though they offered me the coffee for a lower price because they didn't have the cream, I still didn't want to order it like that, I want it just as I saw it in the publication, no more, no less😌.
What I can tell you is that the cup is the size of a large coffee with a glass shape and its main ingredients are sugar, flour and butter, very crunchy to the eye. I couldn't help but check it inside, apparently it has a strong sugar coating to prevent halfway through our coffee from collapsing, as well as the ingenuity of its inventor🤣.
Por fin los ingredientes de este invento de café y yo hemos coincidido😃, estoy ansiosa viendo como preparan mi café y no puedo evitar preguntarme cuantos minutos tendré para poder tomármelo sin que la taza se deshaga🤔. Aunque seguramente con lo provocativo que se ve, no necesite mucho tiempo😅.
Ya con este café en mis manos, no encuentro por donde comenzar y esto me pone un poco nerviosa, más aun al ver la cara de José Luis con ganas de que mi café se desmorone para reírse de mí y decirme. Te lo dije! Pero bueno, como viene acompañado de una cuchara, comencé con la crema chantilly, la cual estaba muy rica, no muy dulce, lo que me pareció excelente porque de entrada no te vas a sentir empalagada.
Abrí un espacio para empezar a degustar mi café, por supuesto esta vez no necesito agregar más azúcar, puedes pedir el café como gustes, incluso sin leche, yo pedí un marrón oscuro con la esperanza de poder contrastar tanto dulce, es un café con un porcentaje más alto de café expreso que leche, el cual como de costumbre estaba muy rico, es imposible que comas la taza de galleta al mismo tiempo que tomas el café, ya que corres el riesgo de destrozar la taza y derrames tu café.
Finally the ingredients of this coffee invention and I have coincided😃, I'm anxious watching how they prepare my coffee and I can't help but wonder how many minutes I'll have to drink it without the cup falling apart🤔. Although surely with how provocative it looks, I won't need much time😅.
Already with this coffee in my hands, I can't find where to start and this makes me a little nervous, even more when I see José Luis' face wanting my coffee to fall apart to laugh at me and tell me. I told you so! But well, as it comes with a spoon, I started with the whipped cream, which was very rich, not too sweet, which I thought was excellent because you won't feel cloying from the start.
I opened a space to start tasting my coffee, of course this time I don't need to add more sugar, you can order the coffee as you like, even without milk, I ordered a dark brown in the hope of being able to contrast so much sweetness, it is a coffee with a higher percentage of espresso than milk, which as usual was very rich, it is impossible to eat the cup of cookie at the same time you drink the coffee, as you run the risk of destroying the cup and spilling your coffee.
Así que fui por lo seguro y por partes, tomé mi café acompañado con la crema batida, una vez terminado seguí con mi galleta, la cual tenía una textura bastante fuerte y dificil de romper, supongo que para poder aguantar el liquido caliente durante cierto periodo de tiempo, solo le dí dos mordidas y el resto me lo llevé a casa.
Me encantó esta propuesta, si tienes una baja de azúcar y también te quieres tomar un café, aquí tienes una buena opción, no sé si perdure en el tiempo, lo que si es cierto es que durante un buen rato estará llamando la atención de muchas personas, por lo que seguramente le irá muy bien a esta cafetería con este rico café.
Lo cierto es que cuando pedimos este tipo de café, la cafetería se ahorra vasos desechables o en su defecto tener que lavar tazas de cerámica, pero no solo eso, si lo vemos desde el punto de vista ecológico🍃, estaríamos contribuyendo en gran medida con el medio ambiente y debo confesar que como cliente quedé muy satisfecha😌.
El Café servido en Taza de Galleta me resultó muy atractivo y desafiante, aunque para la proxima pediría que no le coloquen las chispas de colores.
La fotografía de portada fue tomada de la pagina oficial de Instagram de la cafetería "Un Café Contigo": @uncafecontigoccs ; todas las demás fotografías las tomé con mi celular Galaxy A50 y para traducir este texto utilicé la versión gratuita de la pagina Deepl.com
So I went for the safe and in parts, I took my coffee accompanied with whipped cream, once finished I continued with my cookie, which had a fairly strong texture and difficult to break, I guess to withstand the hot liquid for a certain period of time, I only took two bites and the rest I took it home.
I loved this proposal, if you have a low sugar and you also want to have a coffee, here you have a good option, I do not know if it will last in time, what is certain is that for a long time it will be attracting the attention of many people, so surely this coffee shop will do very well with this rich coffee.
The truth is that when we order this type of coffee, the coffee shop saves disposable cups or otherwise having to wash ceramic cups, but not only that, if we look at it from the ecological point of view🍃, we would be contributing greatly to the environment and I must confess that as a customer I was very satisfied😌.
I found the Coffee served in a Cookie Cup very attractive and challenging, although next time I would ask them not to put the colored sprinkles on it.
The cover photo was taken from the official Instagram page of the coffee shop "Un Café Contigo": @uncafecontigoccs ; all other photos were taken with my Galaxy A50 cell phone and to translate this text I used the free version of Deepl.com.
It looks very interesting, like a treat that can be sold to children in various festivals and fairs. But it really seems way too sweet to my taste. 😁 You had quite the experience though!
Hola @mdosev Yes I think the idea is really ingenious and very attractive, it would catch the attention of a lot of kids, but it's definitely not for you 😁.
The coffee looks great from the photos too, and I bet it was a really sweet treat.
I have no doubt that you did feel like a child in a candy store, indeed!
So colourful and appealing:)
Hi @millycf1976 , yes it was a sweet experience although it never turned out cloying despite all its colorfulness 😁.
I see that you have an image for every occasion @millycf1976!!! I love them ALL!!!
@millycf1976 HELPPPPP!!!!
I have just been muted in the community for using a tag that I shouldn't have, but I really didn't know, I'm not excusing myself. I would just like to know what I can do and where I can see what tags to use.
I read the first few posts before writing. It's the first time I post a story so I didn't know if there was a particular tag and I looked in a recent post where there was a fictional story like mine and that's why I used it.
My story is not a real story, it is a story about coffee, since I have seen some stories here I wanted to share one.
The tag I used was spillthebeans and I thought it was for stories about coffee. I didn't know they expired or couldn't be used. My post is not to participate in any contest, it is simply a fictional story of my imagination that has as main character a barista who discovered her love for coffee and I wanted to share it with the community instead of doing it in writing. In fact I made it especially for you.
Please explain me if you can what the mute consists of, if it is something permanent or just for that post and if there is anything I can do to get the mute removed.
Sorry to bother you, but I really don't know where else to turn.
This is the muted post https://peakd.com/hive-152524/@rlathulerie/coffe-for-two
Please Please check it out 🙏
Grateful for any help you can offer me.
Hello @rlathulerie
Sorry you suffered such panic!
Yes, the #spillthebeans tag is only to be used for active events, same as the #coffeeconversation. I'm thankful that @leaky20 is on the ball, since I have been preoccupied.
Please remove the tag if it has not been done, and be sure to revisit for future community challenges and events, that are always pinned in the community @cinnccf.
You should see an update on your post:)
Amiga thank you very much for the clarification. I removed the tag a while ago. I was really worried.
Thank you very much for the help, for answering and for the guidance.
Have a nice weekend!
It seems like the tag is still on your post. Please edit and "x" out the #spillthebeans tag.
Amiga thank you very much for the clarification. I removed the tag a while ago. I was really worried.
Thank you very much for the help, for answering and for the guidance.
Have a nice weekend!
That is quite the invention. It looks too sweet for me but I can appreciate the idea of it. I'm glad that you finally got to try it after your first failed attempt and that you enjoyed it.
Hi @leaky20 yes definitely not for all tastes, but I really enjoyed enjoying the experience, happy day 😊.
Oh my God, I want that coffee! I would be a little scared of the cup but I see that it resisted very well, but just in case I would ask for a mug haha if it breaks I do not lose everything!
I think it's a great option for those days when you want something sweet and out of the ordinary. Although knowing me maybe I'll grab it out of vice!
Hi @rlathulerie , I had the same fear as you, but the cup is well resistant, it even cost me a little to take a bite, but it's a worthwhile experience, I hope you can try it 😉.
Hello your coffee looks too flashy, I was also desperate to go, it caught my attention when I saw the ads, unfortunately this weather has kept me home a little sick, I'm glad you enjoyed it and it really existed as is, for a moment I also thought it was just advertising XD, with all the description sounds really delicious same is in my plans to try it.
If it's worth a try, well if the rain has us at home more than we would like, hopefully you can go and I hope they have all the ingredients on hand so you don't have to make a second trip as happened to me 😅.
Hi Ada, I also saw the advertisement on the social network and I saved it to see if I have the opportunity to go since it is far from the areas of Caracas that I frequent.
I imagine that we will see this edible cup in other cafes, it is like the ice cream basket or the bread basket, edible to the last crumb. 😁
Hello @lisrl26 , if surely many cafes would go adopting a mode to call clientele, and if you do not leave but nothing, only the plate because it is ceramic 😅.
The serving look extremely interesting indeed! Although I myself absolutely hate any extra sweetness in my latte, I think I'd still give this a shot just because how interesting it looks!
One chance is enough 😊
Wow! This is so creative. I would have preferred not to have the sprinkles as well but they're pretty. 😃
I'm not much for coffee but if it turns out to be this sweet creation, I'm really willing to give it a try 😃 i also had your same thoughts on how long that cup will last with liquid in it 😅 haha thank you for sharing your fun experience here!

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You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/10)@yosoyada! to your account on behalf of @ilovewintergem.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Hello @youarealive , thank you very much for your support, I will gladly come to your chat, greetings.
It is worth giving this coffee creativity a chance, it was a pleasure to share it with you.