Greetings coffe lovers! I am here to talk about the health benefits of coffee according to the scientific research.
We have seen that coffee has become common everywhere and people love to take coffee especially whenever they are tired. Moreover if I say that it has taken as a fashion as well then it will not be wrong again. But some people are adducted of coffee and they can't stay away from this. But it has medical and health benefits as well which we cannot deny at any cost.
Protection against heart diseases
Yes the scientific researches have shown that coffee helps to keep the heart healthy. It gives immunity against the simple heart diseases. Researches have shown that if we take coffee on daily basis then it prevents us from heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure.
Coffee reduces these dangers and make the heart muscles strong. Those who do not take coffee on daily basis have high risk to fall prey of these diseases. So we should take coffee on daily basis but within the limits as we know that excess of everything is not good, it is bad.
Protection against liver diseases
Use of coffee also protect us from the liver diseases. Researches have proved that those persons who take coffee almost two to three cups on daily basis they remain in a protective layer and remain away from the chronic liver diseases.
The coffee also protects from the liver cancer and other fatty liver diseases. As we know that hepatitis is also a liver disease so use of coffee also reduce its chances as well. Some people fall prey of the liver scarring and it is interesting thing to note that coffee protects lover from the liver scarring a fatal disease.
Protection against Obesity
Nowadays obesity is the biggest problem faced by a lot of people. I can say that 99% of people are facing this issue. And from this diseases other disease are produced. But coffee also play a great role in order to protect you from the obesity. It has been noted according to the scientific researches that those people who use coffee on daily basis have low effects of obesity.
Moreover using coffee help to loose weight. It is an energy drink as well. It gives energy to work and meanwhile the fat is burnt. And due to the energy provided by the coffee one can easily do more tasks than any other person and it helps to maintain the body weight accordingly.
Protection against brain diseases
Brain is a control system of the body. And if the control system of anyone is not working properly then that one is failed to do anything, to perform any task. But when your brain is working correctly then your all the actions are correct.
And coffee help you in this situation as well and provide protection against the neuro diseases. As coffee contains caffeine in it which is also available in different medicines. So the availablity of caffeine in the coffee protects from the Parkinson's disease and use of coffee lower the risk of this disease with time.
Some researches have also indicated that those who consume coffee on daily basis has low risk of the Alzheimer's disease as well as of the dementia.
Protection against type 2 diabetes
So now it is the turn of the type 2 diabetes. We know that diabetes is also a dangerous disease and nowadays most of the people are facing this issue. This is due to the less control of the sugar level in the body. It is really a fatal diseases because those who are prey of diabetes if have any wound, then it become hard to heal up that wound.
And the researches have shown that the daily use of the coffee for a long time make the immune system more strong and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. The reason is that coffee helps the pancreas to work properly that produces insulin which is use to regulate the sugar levels in the body.
My Introduction to Hive Community
Regards: @uop
Indeed! From what I understand coffee is good for reducing the risk of getting Type
diabetes. However, if you already have
diabetes, it is not so good for you, as it may lower your insulin sensitivity, meaning that the insulin (whether injected or naturally created by your pancreas) may become less effective at regulating the sugar levels in your body.
This article from the PharmacyToday periodical (dated 12 January 2022) gives a much more in-depth explanation of some of the other compounds found in coffee; aside from the more well-known caffeine; which also contribute positively and negatively to outcomes of coffee consumption when diabetic or pre-diabetic.
I have like 50 coffees a day, I wonder what my immune system is like! POWERHOUSE!
Hello @uop,
From the 3Cs Team:
Join the community Discord: Cinnamon Cup Coffee
@millycf1976 & @vanbliss
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Welcome to Hive and to our coffee community🤗
You have presented a lot of information that you have read from different sources. I would suggest that you read the community rules carefully and note to cite all relevant sources of information regarding all claims of coffee benefits.
Your personal experiences and stories are about coffee are always welcome, and give you a greater chance of persons relating and complimenting, and supporting your work.
Looking forward to seeing more original content from you!
See you around.Hello @uop,
I heard coffee do not make someone sleep
In school my friends drink it so they stay awake to read