Coffee with cinnamon or with Cacao?

Hello to all the beautiful people who are always present with me in this wonderful Community.

Here is another of my small but touching story with my great friend “EL CAFË”.

This Sunday September 15th was the 2nd birthday of my grandson Fernando, as my husband is off every Monday and Tuesday, he asked for permission that Sunday half day at work and we went to San Felipe / Yaracuy State to share with my daughter and grandchildren who live there.
We had a great time as a family, the kids enjoyed a lot knocking down the piñata and we sang the birthday song.

The next day my daughter asked me to take her to Barquisimeto to the Metropolis Mall to buy some things she needed, we took the opportunity to leave the children with my husband to share some time alone (we had not done it for a long time).

We enjoyed every minute of that day together, from the moment we were in the car on our way to Barquisimeto, talking and talking, until our return.

We forgot about husband, children and everything. Buying things for a house that is being built, for which she is very excited; we stopped for a while while we had lunch and continued shopping and shopping.

At the end of the shopping my daughter (who is more of a coffee lover than me) says to me: “Mommy I think the most awaited time of the day has arrived for both of us, coffee time”, we both laughed a lot, I answered her: “Of course daughter we don't deserve it”, hahaha.

We arrived at a place called “Coffee Break”. Immediately we were attended by a very nice and friendly guy offering different coffees and sweets for a snack.

Talking with him for a while, he informed us that they sell the best coffee in the area, roasted by themselves and ground at the time of serving, thus maintaining its freshness and to delight us and enjoy this delicacy of life.

He recommended some of his varied coffees and sweets, we ordered a large latte and he asked us; ¿with cinnamon or with cocoa? My daughter and I saw each other's faces and smiled, one of each to try, “we told him”; my daughter with cinnamon and me with cocoa, we also ordered a carrot cake, the piece was quite big, enough for both of us.

Everything was really delicious, both the coffees (with cinnamon and cocoa) and the carrot cake.

My daughter with her bad habit of dipping cake in coffee.

We didn't ask the prices, but when we asked for the bill it all added up to $8.00, we found it economical since the service was very good and everything was exquisite, my daughter gave her $10.00 to leave $2.00 for the waiter who was very kind.

We closed our day together with a flourish! Tasting that tasty snack with my best friend “EL CAFË”.

Time to go back home, my daughter commented... We paid the parking ticket, went to the car and took the road back to San Felipe, in the car we talked about that wonderful day we spent together alone without husbands, children or grandchildren, we really needed it.

When we arrived home everything was quiet, the children had lunch and were well bathed and well dressed watching TV with their grandfather, hahahaha.

So far my dear friends, another of my many stories with my dear and adored friend “EL CAFË”. Thank you for reading it.

All photos are my property, taken with my phone Tecno Pova, the cover edited in Canva in its free version.

For my publications I use the translator Deepl (free version).

 6 months ago  

Ha! I admit when I first read the post title, my thought was...both?! :D Happy birthday to your little grandson. It sounds like it was a beautiful celebration (And that cake looks beyond delicious tbh!).

Hi @honeydue , I am also daring when ordering a coffee, I like to taste all the flavors to have them in my repertoire, that carrot cake was very good and accompanied by that exquisite coffee much better. Thank you for your nice comment, for me it is important! Have a great day 😌 ☕.

 6 months ago  

Sounds like you had a great time. It's important to take time away from work so you can spend it with those who matter <3

Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

The Coolest.gif

We had a great time, yes it is very important to take that time to share with your loved ones and if it is in the company of a good coffee, much better! Thank you for your support, I value it a lot🙏😊☕😋

Uan cafetería es un lugar ideal para celebrar cumpleaños y si prefiero con todos los dos sabores


That's right my dear @wendyth16 , I also like both flavors and I'm always willing to try new flavors with my adored coffee ☕😋. Thank you for your comment, it motivates me a lot to keep preparing. Have a great day! 😊