Té de moringa con hojas de limón// Moringa tea with lemon leaves


Hola amigos y amigas déjenme dejarles un gran abrazo a la vez de compartir con ustedes una sencilla fórmula para preparar un rico té. En este mundo tan diverso de preparación de un buen té, tenemos algunos aromáticos y medicinales que se preparan con distintas hierbas y plantas que nos aporta muchas propiedades y que sirven para tomar en familia, entre amigos, en reuniones sociales y de trabajo entre otras. No a todos les gusta un determinado té, cada quien tiene sus preferencias, yo hasta ahora he probado muchos, de distintas plantas o hierbas y no he encontrado ninguno que no me guste. En Venezuela el café es una de las bebidas mas preferidas por la gente, pero el té también forma parte de lo tradicional.

Hello friends, let me give you a big hug and at the same time share with you a simple formula to prepare a delicious tea. In this diverse world of preparing a good tea, we have some aromatic and medicinal teas that are prepared with different herbs and plants that give us many properties and serve to take with family, friends, social gatherings and work among others. Not everyone likes a particular tea, everyone has their preferences, so far I have tried many, from different plants or herbs and I have not found any that I do not like. In Venezuela coffee is one of the most preferred beverages by the people, but tea is also part of the traditional.


Hoy quiero presentarles un rico, aromático y medicinal té de moringa con hojas de limón. La moringa es una planta originaria de la India, que se ha popularizado mucho por sus propiedades nutricionales y medicinales, sobre todo por esta última. La moringa es un arbusto, aún que puede crecer muy alto si no se le hace una poda o mantenimiento permanente, cuando ya la planta es adulta produce unas vainas dónde están las semillas, más adelante les contaré sobre el consumo de las semillas.

Toda I want to introduce you to a rich, aromatic and medicinal moringa tea with lemon leaves. Moringa is a plant native to India, which has become very popular for its nutritional and medicinal properties, especially for the latter. Moringa is a shrub, even though it can grow very tall if it is not pruned or maintained permanently, when the plant is an adult it produces pods where the seeds are, later I will tell you about the consumption of the seeds.



Cómo les dice al comienzo existe una gran variedad de plantas usadas en la preparación de té al igual que una extensa variedad de gustos. Los sabores, los olores y sus beneficios también son muy variados. Mi mamá por ejemplo dice que le gustan las combinaciones de tres plantas o hierbas para la preparación de algún té o infusión, ella siempre lo prepara con orégano orejón, hierba Luisa y menta que le da un sabor y un aroma especial.

As I said at the beginning there is a great variety of plants used in the preparation of tea as well as a wide variety of tastes. The flavors, the smells and their benefits are also very varied. My mom for example says that she likes the combination of three plants or herbs for the preparation of some tea or infusion, she always prepares it with oregano orejon, lemon verbena and mint that gives it a special flavor and aroma.

Bueno el té de moringa lo preparo con hojas frescas recién cortadas de la planta, las corto bien temprano en la mañana, antes de que salga el sol, así sufre menos la planta. Luego lavo las hojas y las coloco en un envase. La cantidad de hojas para una taza de té de moringa con limón es de aproximadamente 10 gramos, yo siempre recomiendo preparar unos 300 ml de té, que nos alcance para compartir y para tomar al menos dos veces al día. En esta preparación colocamos el agua en un recipiente adecuado, luego llevamos al fuego hasta que hierva bien.

Well, I prepare the moringa tea with freshly cut leaves of the plant, I cut them early in the morning, before the sun rises, so the plant suffers less. Then I wash the leaves and place them in a container. The amount of leaves for a cup of moringa tea with lemon is approximately 10 grams, I always recommend preparing about 300 ml of tea, which is enough to share and to drink at least twice a day. In this preparation we place the water in a suitable container, then we take it to the fire until it boils well.


Es importante destacar que algunas personas colocan la moringa y las hojas de limón en el agua antes de llevar al fuego, yo por el contrario recomiendo colocar las hojas de las plantas después que hierve el agua y la hemos retirado del fuego. En ese momento es cuando agregamos a nuestros 300 ml de agua hervida, 30 a 40 gramos de moringa y unas 5 a 6 hojas tiernas de limón. Las hojas de limón además de aportarle un buen sabor al té, también lo aromatizan, así que no dejes de colocárselas. Y como los gustos son amplios y variados, cuando quieras en vez de hojas de limón también puedes usar hojas de hierba buena, que gustoso!

It is important to note that some people place the moringa and lemon leaves in the water before taking it to the fire, I recommend placing the leaves of the plants after the water boils and we have removed it from the fire. At that moment is when we add to our 300 ml of boiled water, 30 to 40 grams of moringa and 5 to 6 tender lemon leaves. The lemon leaves, besides adding a good flavor to the tea, also aromatize it, so do not forget to add them. And as the tastes are wide and varied, when you want instead of lemon leaves you can also use leaves of good grass, how tasty!



Este té debes tomarlo en las mañanas y hasta en horas tempranas de la tarde ya que posee un alto contenido energético, es por ello que se recomienda para comenzar el día con fuerza y entusiasmo. Yo particularmente lo tomo sin edulcorantes, pero si eres de los que le encanta el dulzor, te recomiendo hacerlo con una cucharadita de miel pura o con hojas de estevia.

This tea should be taken in the morning and even in the early afternoon because it has a high energy content, which is why it is recommended to start the day with strength and enthusiasm. I particularly drink it without sweeteners, but if you are one of those who love sweetness, I recommend you to do it with a teaspoon of pure honey or stevia leaves.

Te hablé también de las semillas de la moringa, las cuales igual que sus hojas tienen muchas propiedades, regulan el nivel de azúcares en la sangre, son antinflamatorias, antioxidantes, además de su gran contenido nutricional, por ello recomiendo tomar una semilla, previamente sacándole la cáscara, en la mañana con la primera taza de este exquisito y nutritivo té. Espero que lo prepares en casa y lo disfrutes con la familia y/o amigos. Tómalo bien calentito. Salud!!!

I also told you about moringa seeds, which like its leaves have many properties, regulate the level of sugars in the blood, are anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, in addition to its high nutritional content, so I recommend taking a seed, previously removing the shell, in the morning with the first cup of this delicious and nutritious tea. I hope you prepare it at home and enjoy it with family and/or friends.Drink it very hot. Cheers!



Excellent explanation, I know the benefits of this type of tea...highly recommended, it is as you explain it should be taken early for the energy it gives the body...also keep in mind not to abuse the amount of leaves to use.in my case I do not use lemon leaves to make tea, I use lemon juice...when I make another tea I will place lemon leaves for the enjoyment of its smell and taste.

Thank you @mercmarg, try it with lemon leaves, it is very tasty.

 3 years ago (edited) 


Cinnamon Cup Coffee asks that members comment in English on other community members' posts.
This is to keep the community vibrant and engaging. Also, the community is run by persons who only speak and read English, and we read all posts to the community to maintain a safe virtual coffee shop on the blockchain.

Thank you for your understanding.😉

 3 years ago  


I did not know that lemon leaves could be used in this way. I also always use the juice only. The next time I am somewhere with the tree growing, I will pick some leaves and boil them to see how they taste.
Thanks for editing your comment. It was very informative and useful:)))

I have never tried moringa tea before but since i live the scent if moringa in a perfume so i guess i will like them a lot too.

Hello, I am sure you will like it, besides the contribution of all its properties. Let me know after you try it. Thanks

Me gustó este post, no sabía los tantos beneficios que poseía esta planta, tu sabes que no soy de tomar té, me gusta más el café jejeje pero no quedaría mal con miel como lo mencionaste.

Un abrazo primo.

I liked this post, I did not know the many benefits of this plant, you know I am not a tea drinker, I like coffee more hehehe but it would not be bad with honey as you mentioned.

A hug cousin.

Thank you cousin. Be sure to try this drink. You can also take a moringa seed daily. Always in the morning

 3 years ago  

COFFEE Admin- Comment in English .jpgHello @hexagono6

Cinnamon Cup Coffee asks that members comment in English on other community members' posts.
This is to keep the community vibrant and engaging. Also, the community is run by persons who only speak and read English, and we read all posts to the community to maintain a safe virtual coffee shop on the blockchain.

Thank you for your understanding.😉

Very true friend, really sorry, it slipped my mind, what a pity for you and the community.

I will try not to overlook this rule again, I apologize again.

Happy and blessed afternoon.

 3 years ago  



I am not a big tea drinker either, but I do like to make herbal infusions to detox and cleanse my body every now and then:)))

I have not done one to detoxify my body, here in Venezuela they sell something called depurativo, which helps to eliminate all the impurities from the body, in fact, they send it to women who want to get pregnant and can not.

 3 years ago  

Ok, that's interesting to know. I prefer to only natural remedies though, especially from the garden, since it's all free:))

well, these remedies are plant-based, but you are right about one thing, the ones from the garden are free hehehehehehehehehehehehe

 3 years ago  

😁 Absolutely:)

 3 years ago (edited) 

@simajo2022 @mercmarg & @hexagono6

Uhura hailing.jpg

Sorry, this community is run by people who only speak and read English. To efficiently and effectively monitor the engagement on the blockchain, we ask everyone to post and comment in English, with the freedom to include their native language.

Would you be kind enough to observe the community rules?

Thank you for your cooperation.

I agree with you friend, it really won't happen again, we must respect the rules of each of the communities where we live.

 3 years ago  

No worries! It happens.
Thanks for updating your response:)))

I am really sorry, I am writing for the first time in this community, sorry for the mistake, I will keep it in mind for future publications.Thank you

 3 years ago  

Ok, no worries!
Thanks for taking that on board:)

thanks to you for being aware of everything.

Thank you very much @millycf1976 for your comment. Also for welcoming me to this community, I hope to continue interacting with all of you. Have a nice evening.

 3 years ago  

You're very welcome. Please ensure to communicate in English!
See you around:))

 3 years ago  

This is a nice post with a very healthy and highly recommended recipe. I welcome you to the community, and I have left you some comments in regards to using English as the main language or in the translation when commenting as well as for the post itself, which you have done here today.
Please feel at home, and I look forward to seeing more of you:)Hello @simajo2022


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No me sabía lo de cortar las hojas muy tempranito, normalmente cuando he realizado algún té he cortado a cualquier hora del día, es increíble que todo tiene su momento, su tiempo, respetar la naturaleza que nos brinda tanto para nuestra salud y bienestar.🙌

Hello, thank you for your comment. Plants are also living beings that have their own cycle and must be respected. In the morning they are very full of energy. Moringa can also be eaten, its leaves, in salads or other foods, provide many nutrients. greetings.

 3 years ago