The Quietest Grind on Earth: Where Your Coffee is Murderously Quiet

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago (edited)

She had always liked being quietly alone. Her heightened sensitivity made her entire nervous system feel frazzled around others, trying to read their moods and gauge her reactions and juggle them like chainsaws and hedge trimmers on a tightrope covered in maple syrup and ants. Whilst she tried to pass as a normal human being, on the inside she had always been mostly all a-tremor. Being on her own was like snow blanketing hills or water in her ears - all dull silence, wrapped comfortably around her shoulders.

It was also bliss to find a place to enjoy a coffee in peace. No one around to say 'oh, did you make me a cup?" or ask her what she was doing that day. How would she know, if she didn't even know herself?

Image From Unsplash

The psych had warned her that coffee wasn't a good idea, but she never liked being told what to do, and despite waiting months to get in to see someone that year, she cancelled the following appointments without supplying a reason. She would have given up the black stuff over her dead trembling body. At least caffeine made her feel slightly alive. Fuck chai and dandelion tea. Fuck chamomile and matcha, peppermint or beetroot powder and acai almond latte.

She felt mad even thinking about it, even from her quiet padded room later, where the white pillows of snow blanketed the noise of the prison.

The Quietest Grind On Earth was a hard to find cafe on the edge of the city. One either stumbled upon it or heard about it word of mouth. It was said that any mention of it on the internet was quickly erased, so anti tech they were. Good grinds should speak for themselves, not have influencers speak for them, the menu had declared in a short blurb at the bottom. Don't bother reviewing us, it continued. We don't care about anything but coffee. If you're here, you're meant to be. Ssssh, and enjoy our brews.

It was her third time there when her life as she knew it ended for good. She loved going because it was the most blissfully quiet place she'd ever been, even if it was full of people. The baristas wore headphones and gestured at each other with fingers and notepads. One could only hear the clink of teaspoons, the faint white noise of a dishwasher, and the river far below the balcony. It was like an orgasmic, whisper soft ASMR session.

There, she could think or own thoughts, or even better, think nothing at all. If she could have given the place stars, she would have given it three hundred out of ten.


Why anyone would enter a place so heavenly quiet and turn on one's phone to play music beggared belief. Later she thought that perhaps she could have tolerated it if they'd played some nice reggae or - no, she wouldn't have done things differently. Tunes on a mobile device are bassless and tinny. Worse, it was Oasis's Wonderwall, and she hated that song with a passion. Her teeth had begun to grind and her hands trembled.

She was sure that the jury would understand her case. Surely everyone understood the need for a quiet coffee.

The Quietest Grind on Earth would make the internet that week, and this time they wouldn't be able to quash their online presence.

'Woman Kills Mobile Phone Nuisance with a Teaspoon to the Ear' the headline will shout. Another read: 'Would You Kill for a Quiet Coffee? This Woman Did', featuring a picture of her captured on CCTV as she fled the scene. She hadn't even finished her long black or complimentary cookie.

The shop would be shut by the end of the week, packing up the coffee machine and moving to another city, another quiet laneway.

Good coffee deserved to be drunk in quiet reverence.

This time, they'd ban phones on entry too.

This post was written for The Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community's writing prompt this week - you can find it here.

With Love,


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This time they'd ban mobile phones at the door.

 3 years ago  

Hey there!

Thanks for your contest entry:)

Your story gave me a good morning laugh!

'Woman Kills Mobile Phone Nuisance with a Teaspoon to the Ear' the headline will shout.


She was sure that the jury would understand her case. Surely everyone understood the need for a quiet coffee.



Haha glad you liked it! I had no idea where I was going when I started! 😂

To die for



Thanks for sharing, 😀😀😀what an amazing coffee story



 3 years ago  


Actually I know how the woman feels. Two days ago I was in a restaurant and a 60 year old man at the table two feet away was watching videos on his phone with the sound on full volume. "In my head I was like are you serious guy!?!"


It happens all the time! How have we got to this point? It's SO rude!!

 3 years ago  

Yeah I hate it. Even kids in restaurants is unnecessary in my opinion. 1. you don't need sound and 2. Headphones.
Trains are bad for that as well with people playing video games with sound. Why!?!!!?

I don't understand how people can have so little care of others. It happens camping also... Like people play loud music as if we all want to hear it!!! And they literally dont care about anyone other than themselves.

Oh yeah! I love the wittiness of your great mind! Throw the phone away or put it in the closet... and savor the pleasant aroma of coffee while sipping it!😋😋😋

Ha glad you enjoyed!!

That's a bit overrated to do in real life, but if we are living in a fiction, I would surely kill for a quiet coffee also. 😆

Teaspoon or bread knife? 😂

Bread knife, no doubts. 😆

Most excellent coffee-inspired piece. You capture the wonderful sensory experience of being in a café and the passion for coffee.

She would have given up the black stuff over her dead trembling body. At least caffeine made her feel slightly alive. Fuck chai and dandelion tea. Fuck chamomile and matcha, peppermint or beetroot powder and acai almond latte.

I love me some good chai and other teas, especially matcha because of its aesthetic ritualistic appeal. But coffee is a different beast. Where tea is a sensuous cellular experience, coffee is more like a down and dirty no-holds-barred knee-scraping roll between the crashing waves. Phew!

I do love all the teas I mentioned, I just resent being told I shouldn't drink coffee 😂 I can only have it once a week or so. It sends me into meltdown jitters!! I miss it though...

Only once a week? That's likely better for your health rather than chugging it multiple times a day like someone I know. 😊

How could anyone think of interrupting the tranquility of that cafe with music from their cell phone... I hope the jury really understood the reasons.

It reminds me of when I used the subway as a means of transportation daily, it was 7 am, everyone was silent and there was no lack of people listening to music from their cell phones without headphones. I was provoked to look for mine in my bag and give them as a present.

It's so frustrating to have noise when it's blissfully quiet!

I buy in her idea of drinking coffee in a quiet place, there's this sense of freshness as all you can absorb at the moment is the taste of the hot steaming coffee.

Wouldn't it be lovely? Cafes are traditionally super noisy though..

Hahaha. That's true, in the name of entertainment

Original and wonderful story :D

Congratulations, I think we already have a clear winner haha.

Thanks so much. It was a blast to write!

Quietness is peace, not everyone likes noise, it makes some people sick and distractive.

It was great to know that she could find quietness and peace of mind in where coffee dwells.

You can just transfer the 10 Hive Ladies of Hive and on the next contest, we shall make the announcement that the 10 Hive was from you!
Thank you and Best regards!!!Hi @riverflows !

Doing so now!

Oh you have a wicked sense of humour @riverflows, but I would have been picketing outside the courtroom in defense of that woman!

Fuck chai and dandelion tea. Fuck chamomile and matcha, peppermint or beetroot powder and acai almond latte.

Don't we all feel like that at times, that coffee plunger is way more enticing not so😉

Ha. Glad you liked it. Not sure my humour translates sometimes!! But yeah, her attack was totally justified don't you think??

For sure😄

Sometimes we want peace in the places we usually visit, but there are people who interrupt that tranquility, as happened to the girl in the story, everything went through her mind, but in the end she took the best option. Greetings!

The headlines you created for this phone death were really hilarious; imagine, death by teaspoon? I agree though, quiet in public should be everyone's motto.

I confess, twice in my life I've confronted public noise.
Did you see 'It' when it came out? It was that red balloon killer clown film from a few years ago. Anyways, my wife and I were in Newcastle that weekend and thought we'd luxe it up and go to the Gold Class cinemas. Anyways, there we were, reclining away and two young girls probably around 14 or so come in - and they're glued to their phone and having a bit of a chat at different times. Mid-film, I got my teacher voice on, and roared the instruction to be quiet or leave. And, they left, no teaspoon required ;)

Good Morning.

Oh goodness... Lucky they didn't attack YOU with a teaspoon!!! Go the teacher voice!!!

I asked someone on the Spirit of Tasmania once to stop their kid playing with a musical toy IN THE AREA OF THE FERRY WITH A BIG SIGN THAT SAID QUIET READING AREA.

Having kids there was one thing but a musical toy??

She was NOT happy. Had a real go at me. Lectured me on how hard it was travelling with kids etc as if I didn't know.

The only thing I could say was: 'Its not actually your kids I object to - it's the noise they make'. 😂😂

She did move.

 3 years ago  

Hey @riverflows

Congratulations 🎉 on your AMAZING contest entry!

A change was made with the prize, and 5-HIVE was sent to your account from @cinnccf :)

Wow really???? I'm thrilled, THANKYOU soooo much!!!!

 3 years ago  

You're very welcome!😍
Have a lovely day:)))

 3 years ago  



I'm glad I didn't miss this story. Congratulations. I'm very much alike with this woman. And oh, the comical ending? I died!😂

congratulations on winning the contest😄