[Eng-Esp]Hot caffeine added to orange juice./Cefé caliente añadido al zumo de naranja.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 months ago


Adding a quantity of hot coffee to orange juice makes a very good drink to prevent the body from colds and flu, it is also very effective for digestive processes, minimizing constipation, reasons to recommend this pleasant combination. To make the hot coffee poured to the orange juice, initially we squeeze the vegetable and place it in a cup, to whose juice we add the hot coffee, with the amount of sugar to taste. Join me in the preparation of such a distinguished hot coffee with orange juice, which is also very healthy because it contributes to eradicate body fat and reduce sugar levels.8


Next, the products required for the above mentioned elaboration are presented; 100 grams of coffee, one orange, sugar to taste, as well as the amount of 350 cc of water, a coffee pot and the orange juicer.



Next, with the previously washed orange, in order to eliminate any impurities it may have, proceed to remove the peel, cutting the fruit in half.


With the support of a juicer, we obtain the juice of the two pieces of orange, which we add in a cup, waiting for the preparation of the hot coffee.



For the elaboration of the hot coffee, we add 350 cc of water in the appropriate compartment of the coffee maker. The mentioned quantity of water is sufficient to elaborate the referred hot coffee, in this sense, we add the 100 grams of said product in the container of the referred machine, verifying that the hot coffee falls smoothly in the container of the coffee maker.




The prepared coffee, which logically is very hot in the container of the coffee maker, we pour it into the cup, where the orange juice is served.



We continue with the preparation of the hot coffee with orange juice, adding the amount of sugar to taste, and then gently stir the planned drink.



Finally, we presented the very hot coffee, which was added to the orange juice, with the amount of sugar to taste.




Excuse me, but it is difficult to resist the temptation of tasting hot coffee with orange juice and the amount of sugar to taste, which has the described effects, which are very positive for health.



Friends, I hope you liked the preparation of the hot coffee, poured into the orange juice, adding the amount of sugar to taste, which is very healthy and pleasant tasting. In thanking you for your receptivity and continuous visits, I am subscribing to you, with much affection. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Cumaná in the state of Sucre-Venezuela.

The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.



Añadiendo una cantidad de café caliente al zumo de naranja, se conforma una bebida muy buena para prevenir el organismo de resfriados y gripe, además es muy efectiva para los procesos digestivos, minimizando el estreñimiento, razones para recomendar la agradable combinación. Para realizar el café bien caliente vertido al zumo de naranja, inicialmente se exprime el citado vegetal y lo colocamos en una taza, a cuyo zumo agregamos el café bien caliente, con la cantidad de azúcar al gusto. Acompáñenme en la elaboración de tan distinguido café caliente con zumo de naranja, la cual también es muy saludable por contribuir a erradicar la grasa del cuerpo y reducir los niveles de azúcar.


A continuación, se presentan los productos requeridos para la nombrada elaboración; 100 gramos de café, una naranja, azúcar al gusto, así mismo la cantidad de 350 cc de agua, una cafetera y el exprimidor para la naranja.



Seguidamente con la naranja previamente lavada, con la finalidad de eliminar las impurezas que pueda tener, se procede a quitarle su cáscara, cortando dicho fruto por la mitad.


Con el apoyo de un exprimidor, obtenemos el zumo de los dos trozos de la naranja, el cual agregamos en una taza, a la espera de la preparación del café caliente.



Para la elaboración del café caliente, añadimos los 350 cc de agua en el compartimiento apropiado de la cafetera. La citada cantidad de agua es suficiente, para elaborar el referido café bien caliente, en ese sentido, agregamos los 100 gramos de dicho producto en el envase de la referida máquina, verificando que el café bien caliente caiga suavemente en el envase de la cafetera.




El café preparado, que lógicamente está bien caliente en el envase de la cafetera, lo vertemos en la taza, donde está servido el zumo de la naranja.



Continuamos con la preparación del café bien caliente con zumo de naranja, agregando la cantidad de azúcar al gusto, para luego remover suavemente la bebida planificada.



Finalmente, presentamos el café bien caliente, el cual fue añadido al zumo de naranja, con la cantidad de azúcar al gusto.




Disculpen ustedes, pero es difícil resistir a la tentación de degustar el café bien caliente, con zumo de naranja y la cantidad de azúcar al gusto, el cual tiene los descritos efectos, que son muy positivos para la salud



Amigos, espero que les haya agradado, la preparación del café bien caliente, vertido en el zumo de naranja, agregando la cantidad de azúcar al gusto, el cual es muy saludable y de agradable sabor. Al agradecerles su receptividad y contínuas visitas, me suscribo a ustedes, con mucho afecto. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Cumaná en el estado Sucre-Venezuela.

Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A10s y la publicación es de mi autoría.

The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.



A wonderful tea is made with malta. Which always gives us the amazing benefits of natural fruits. Presented himself in the film with extraordinary magnificence. May the Creator always grant you the right to all offices.

Greetings dear @mdakash62 thank you for your consistent visits and recommendations.

you are most welcome may god bless you my dear friend

I am more and more surprised by the uses that coffee has. I didn't know this version with orange sumo, I'm glad you shared it.

It is very true dear friend @jordy0827 there are so many ways to consume coffee and always thinking about health. Those who feel a lot of acidity when adding lemon juice to coffee, we do it with orange juice, where we add less sugar. Thanks for your visit.

 11 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by!-2.jpg

Thanks to you, from Venezuela I wish you a lot of success. I have a feeling that the combination of hot coffee, poured in orange juice, you are appreciating it very much and that makes me very happy.

Hi @omarrojas , I didn't know that combination of hot coffee with orange juice had those benefits, thanks for sharing, from now on I will keep it in mind. It's great!☕️

Thank you dear @tibilopez for your valuable visit, I use it frequently because the orange is less acidic than the lemon and so I minimize the use of sugar, it is a very good combination for colds and flu, remember that the rains are starting and the viruses are on the rampage. I wish you a lot of success.

Excellent friend @omarrojas , thanks to you for such an excellent explanation, I will keep it very much in mind!🙌👐🙏

I wish you much success.

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No he probado esta delicia todavía, la voy a apuntar en mi lista de bebidas por probar. Gracias por compartirlo, el zumo de naranja con el café debe de exquisito, porque usted lo recomienda, gracias por cortirlo

Es muy sabroso y nutritivo,en especial para quienes no debemos apartarnos de un buen café, estimada @neilamarcano

I'll try to try it, then I'll tell you

I hope you like it, my friend @neilamarcano Even adding coffee to sweet orange juice is better because it does not require sugar, making this drink more nutritious. You know a secret, when I drink black coffee, I do it without adding sugar, because it is more nutritious, that's why I looked for this option. Hugs. God bless you. Thank you for your visit, which will always be welcome.

That's right, you are right, thank you for sharing your secret with me, grateful for it, My esteemed, greetings 🥰🤗

Forward my great friend @neilamarcano success will always be waiting for you and I wish you a lot.

Thank you for those wonderful words, amen, many blessings to you and family, you are greatly appreciated 🤗🥰

 11 months ago  

What an interesting combination! Did you find your love for pairing various fruits/ juices with coffee from someone, or is an interest that you developed on your own?

Always fun to see someone enjoying a unique coffee drink 😄 thanks for sharing!

I do my best to make you drink coffee dear @grindan and with a very good fruit for your health.

Amazing combination

Thank you dear @cryptomother it is a combination to achieve a digestive coffee, important for health. digestive.

This post pleasantly surprised me, I have never tried coffee with orange juice. In your post you mention many health benefits, without a doubt a drink that provides a lot.

Thank you very much for sharing your coffee recipe.☕

Good Sunday.

Thank you @rinconpoetico7 it is a recipe for a good digestion, rich in vitamin C provided by the orange juice. Thanks for visiting.

Wow, this is interesting. It's the first time I have seen a coffee mix with orange. I should definitely try this, thanks for sharing and have a great day!

Happy day to you too @yzamazing It's a nice and nourishing combination. Thank you for your valuable opinion on my publication.

You are most welcome. Keep sharing valuable and inspiring content my dear friend. 😊

Thank you dear friend @yzamazing your words are very motivating. From Venezuela I continue to wish you much success in your personal, family and Hive.

RegardsExcellent recipe my friend @omarrojas. I've been wanting to put this recipe into practice for a while now, thanks for your masterful presentation and even more for writing all its benefits.

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The combination looks incredible, Ill try it. Greetings.

It is very tasty and nutritious @josief27 Thank you for your kind visit.