I make a special invitation to taste a warm brown coffee with crushed peanuts. This drink is very tasty, nutritious and easy to prepare. This food is initially made by taking the peanut, which we remove the shell that covers it, being processed and crushed in a special equipment for it, if you can not get it you can do it with a homemade mortar. It is propitious the occasion to express that the referred peanut, also they sell it in the commerce without shell and processed. Once the coffee is hot and passed through a strainer, add a small amount of liquid milk, then add the pulverized peanuts and the amount of sugar to taste. Join me in this great idea, which is very easy to prepare.
Food or products required for the preparation of the brown coffee with ground peanuts; 10 grams of shelled peanuts, 30 grams of ground coffee, 20 c.c. of liquid milk and the amount of sugar to taste.
We start the described preparation by crushing the peanuts, in a specialized equipment, until the product is well pulverized.
After having crushed the peanuts, with the support of the aforementioned specialized equipment, we place them in a small dish, showing that the product has been well pulverized, so that it mixes very well with the hot coffee and the liquid milk.
We proceed to place the water in a container and place it on the stove until it is very hot. The referred liquid will be used to elaborate the coffee.
Next we add the ground coffee in a cloth funnel, then slowly add the very hot water, perceiving the aroma of the coffee, once it falls into a container.
We proceed to add the very hot coffee in a cup, where it would be consumed, mixed with the liquid milk and the pulverized peanuts, with the amount of sugar, which would be to the taste of each person.
Add the amount of liquid milk to the hot coffee.
Slowly add the crushed peanuts.
Then add the amount of sugar to taste.
Gently beat the prepared mixture
It is the opportunity to perceive the aroma of our hot brown coffee with crushed peanuts.
In a pleasant place, we consumed the warm brown coffee with crushed peanuts, tasting its aroma and flavor, which is very tasty and nutritious.
Friends, I hope that the warm brown coffee with crushed peanuts has been to your liking. Thanking you for your receptivity and your continuous visits, I am subscribing to you, with much affection. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Cumaná in the state of Sucre-Venezuela.
The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.
Hago una especial invitación, para degustar un café marroncito, caliéntico, con maní triturado. La referida bebida, es muy sabrosa, nutritiva y de fácil elaboración. Dicho alimento se realiza inicialmente tomando el maní, al cual eliminamos su cáscara que lo recubre, siendo procesado y triturado en un equipo especial para ello, de no conseguirlo pueden hacerlo con un mortero casero. Es propicia la ocasión para expresar que el referido maní, también lo expenden en el comercio sin càscara y procesado. Una vez que el café esté calientico y pasado por un colador, le agregamos una pequeña cantidad de leche liquida, luego se añade el maní pulverizado y la cantidad de azúcar al gusto. Acompáñenme en esta gran idea, la cual es de práctica preparación.
Alimentos o productos requeridos para la elaboración del café marroncito con maní triturado; 10 gramos de maní sin cáscara, 30 gramos de café molido, 20 c.c. de leche líquida y la cantidad de azúcar al gusto.
Iniciamos la descrita preparacion triturando el maní, en un equipo especializado, hasta que dicho producto quede bien pulverizado.
Luego de tener triturado el maní, con el apoyo del citado equipo especializado, lo colocamos en un plato pequeño, mostrando que el producto ha quedado bien pulverizado, para que se mezcle muy bien al café caliente y a la leche líquida.
Procedemos a ubicar el agua en un envase y este en la hornilla de la cocina, hasta que esté bien caliente. El referido líquido será utilizada para elaborar el café.
A continuación añadimos el café molido en un embudo de tela, luego añadimos lentamente el agua bien caliente, percibiendo el aroma del café, una vez que va cayendo en un envase.
Procedemos al añadido del café bien caliente en una taza, donde sería consumido, mezclado con la leche líquida y el maní pulverizado, con la cantidad de azúcar, la cual sería al gusto de cada persona.
Añadimos la cantidad de leche líquida al café caliente.
Lentamente vamos agregando el maní triturado.
Seguidamente añadimos, la cantidad de azúcar al gusto.
Con suavidad, batimos la mezcla preparada.
Es la oportunidad de percibir el aroma, de nuestro café marroncito bien caliente con maní triturado.
En un agradable lugar, consumimos el café marroncito calentico con maní triturado, comprobando su aroma y sabor, el cual es muy sabroso y nutritivo.
Amigos, espero que el café marroncito y caliéntico con maní triturado, les haya sido de su agrado. Agradeciéndoles su receptividad y contínuas visitas, suscribiéndome a ustedes, con mucho afecto. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Cumaná en el estado Sucre-Venezuela.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A10s y la publicación es de mi autoría.
Wow that combination sounds very appetizing, I really like peanuts, so anything with peanuts in it is very tasty for me. That coffee is sure to be very tasty.
Thank you, it is very tasty and if you add peanuts, even better. I welcome your visit with satisfaction.
Mi estimado amigo gusto verlo como un rey pues así nos sentimos cuando degustamos nuestra bebida favorita que nos aporta energías de las buenas jejeje. Buena combinación y nutritivo. No la he probado de ve deliciosa.
Thank you my friend. When you are able to make the recipe, you will see how nice it tastes.//
Gracias a usted amiga. Cuando pueda elaborar la receta, comprobará su agradable sabor.
#CoffeeDayIsEveryDay #EveryDayIsCoffeeDay
A parody from a fictional book
Thank you. I wish you much success.
That coffee looks divine. I have had similar coffee but eating unprocessed peanuts on the side. I love the idea. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, big hug 🥰🤗
Thank you for liking my experience of a very tasty brown coffee with crushed peanuts. Hugs
I loved it so much, big hug 🤗🥰
That's a winning combination. The peanuts are sure to give it a warm, creamy note. I love peanuts. I often roast it in the shell at home, the aroma of roasted peanuts is extraordinary. And to think that it never occurred to me to add it to coffee!
I will try it as soon as I can!
I am glad you like peanuts and with hot coffee it is very tasty. Thank you for your visit
I've never tried having my coffee paired up by peanuts, this seems to be delicious
Experience this delight of cafd con manl and you will see how delicious it is. Thank you for your kind visit.
Greetings my dear Mr. Omar. This coffee looks super delicious. I already took your recipe. Super simple and easy to make. Best regards
Thank you for liking my recipe and I hope that very soon you will have a good brown coffee with peanuts. Best wishes.