A Lovely Cup Of Coffee in KETTO CAFE

Hi Everyone, It's me again, Nadia. Today i'm doing survey on Palangkaraya Street, Medan City. I'm doing the survey for my campus research, I will write about my survey on my other post next time, hehe!

After doing site survey for my research, I decided to sit and drink coffee at a cafe nearby. I pick a coffee shop named Ketto Cafe. It have yellow door and looks tiny from the outside (i forgot to take a picture from the outside sigh).

I came to the cafe all alone. I order Matcha and took a seat near the bar. The barista is so lovely and give a "have a good day" to me!


This cafe feels cozy. It has some plant inside the cafe, and have a natural color. the owner give a little yellow color to make it colorful. Here is the pic:




I opened my laptop and start working for my research again, suddenly the barista came and give me a free latte! She said "here is a free latte, if you want some sugar you can take it from the bar". She speak so nicely, I don't know why she give me free latte, but i thank her.


Actually the cafe has an outdoor on the back, but i forgot to take a picture of it. Here is the door to go to the outdoor.


Have a nice day everyone, I hope you all stay healthy!

 3 years ago  

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