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RE: Coffee-Induced Thoughts

I actually like those instant coffees, the ones that comes out automatic machines and serve you in tiny cups. They are not great, granted, but sometimes, they kind of just do their job, you know, keep you awake!

I have one partner I enjoy having coffee with, she is a charming person and shares many interests with me, including our congenial gusto towards coffee in general. I think in a way she taught me different ways around coffee too. I emjoy talking about our favorite books over coffee and plan the next reads.

That cat seems happy and careless, by the way!

 2 years ago  

It's great to have a partner who you can meet up with for coffee. You get the chance to save topics for discussion, or just let ideas flow when you meet up.
I do have a Tuesday Lunch meetup, but it's still different from my coffee conversations.
Oh, I used the link to listen (IBM) last night and it was great. I selected the British accent Charlotte. I noticed that they only have British, American, and Australian, no Jamaican 🤣

Good to have meetups, especially in this age of social isolation in real life! I always get fired up about meetups, perhaps more than others in my group haha (which can be a let down, I know).
Glad you found it helpful! It's a bummer though they don't have a Jamaican one, I suppose they just went with the most reiterated ones. 😒
I used to use another site for this, is the site, but no, they don't have Jamaican either, and they are limited 20 minutes per day I think. IBM one should be better.

 2 years ago  

especially in this age of social isolation in real life!

You are right about that. I'm a loner, however, I've seen some people especially older ones deteriorate rapidly from lockdowns and isolation, so I try to find the right balance.

Haha! I doubt there'll ever be a language reading with a Jamaican accent unless it's for a laugh. I'll also check out this other link.
Thank you :)