Coca-Cola launched five new coffee-flavoured products, of course, still with soda in it. This coffee-flavoured soda comes in a can of 354.8 milliliters.
Coca-Cola meluncurkan lima produk baru bercita rasa kopi, tentu masih dengan kandungan soda di dalamnya. Minuman soda bercita rasa kopi ini hadir dalam kemasan kaleng ukuran 354,8 mililiter.
Based on the Coca-Cola website, the types of Coca-Cola Coffee are Dark Blend, Vanilla, Caramel, Dark Blend Zero Sugar, and Vanilla Zero Sugar. Its composition includes carbonated water or sparkling water, fructose, corn syrup, coffee grounds, natural flavors, and others.
Mengutip laman Coca-Cola, jenis Coca-Cola Coffe itu adalah Dark Blend, Vanilla, Caramel, Dark Blend Zero Sugar, dan Vanilla Zero Sugar. Komposisinya antara lain air berkarbonasi atau air soda, fruktosa, sirup jagung, bubuk kopi, perisa alami, dan lainnya.

On this occasion, I tried to combine Robusta coffee with coca-cola. I use Robusta coffee from Excelso, Brazilian Santos and regular Coca-Cola.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya mencoba menggabungkan kopi robusta dengan coca-cola. Saya menggunakan kopi robusta dari Excelso, Brazilian Santos dan Coca-cola biasa.

10mg of Robusta coffee from Excelso, Brazilian Santos with 20ml of hot water to make Espresso which will give a slight dried fruit taste and a strong smoky aroma.
10mg kopi robusta dari Excelso, Brazilian Santos dengan 20ml air panas untuk membuat Espresso yang akan memberikan sedikit rasa dried fruit dan aroma smoky yang kuat.

The espresso maker that I use is Flair, here I use 100ml ice cubes instead of water to make the coffee taste not too strong (I'm still afraid if it's too strong because of the combination of caffeine and soda)
Alat pembuat Espresso yang saya gunakan adalah Flair, disini saya menggunakan 100ml ice cube sebagai pengganti air untuk membuat rasa kopi tidak terlalu kuat (saya masih takut jika terlalu kuat karena perpaduan kafein dan soda)

With the addition of the main ingredient, which is 80ml of Coca-Cola, the Coca-Cola Coffee experiment is finished.
Dengan ditambahnya bahan utama, yaitu 80ml Coca-Cola maka selesai sudah percobaan Coca-Cola Coffee ini.

After I tasted it, the first thing that appeared was the bitter taste of dried fruit from Robusta coffee wrapped with fresh soda and the sweetness of Coca-Cola which made my mornings fresher. For me, Coca-Cola Coffee tastes better than regular coffee soda. It should be noted that the taste of Coca-Cola will damage the original taste of the coffee mixed, so I think it is better to use Robusta coffee beans.
Setelah saya rasakan, pertama kali yg muncul adalah rasa pahit dried fruit dari kopi robusta yang dibalut dengan segarnya soda dan manisnya coca-cola yang membuat pagi hari ini menjadi seger banget. Bagi saya, Coca-Cola Coffee lebih enak dibandingkan dengan coffee soda biasa. Perlu ditandai bahwa rasa dari Coca-Cola akan merusak rasa asli dari kopi yang dicampurkan, karena itu saya rasa lebih baik menggunakan biji kopi berjenis robusta.
Disclaimer: I'm not a professional coffee maker, just someone who enjoys making coffee.
Disclaimer: saya bukanlah seorang profesional pembuat kopi, hanya seseorang yang senang membuat kopi.
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Hi Navre, I wonder what tricks does this combination of coffee flavoured cola play on the mind? Were you bouncing with energy?
It's quite a varied selection that you found there!
maybe the energy is there because I like to try new things 😁 I accidentally found the Coca-Cola website which is launching their new beverage product and by chance there are only 2 of these ingredients at home
I think it's good to have an open mind like that, because you never know what you might stumble upon:)
I've never tried this but I've tried mixing espresso with a Tebs soda drink, it's also very tasty, similar to anker beer.
nice info 👍 maybe I'll try that later ✌
We're Looking forward to seeing you soon;-)
Have a great day!Hello @navre,
thanks for the support 🤘 its really help me a lot
You're most welcome. Keep up with producing quality content:)