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RE: Coffee-Induced Thoughts

Instant coffees are life savers sometimes, why?
Once I was traveling via train at midnight and I was super sleepy, I was asleep for almost half an hour just two stations before my destination. When I woke up I was super terrified with the fear of missing my station at that late hour, the next thing I did is grabbed those instant coffees twice just to make sure that don't miss my destination as I was having a tough time keeping my eyes open after a hectic day.

Yeap, I have coffee dates often, mostly when I have lots of talking to do with my partner to sort out a few misunderstandings that can't be done over a phone call.

 2 years ago  

Ok, I stand corrected!
Instant Coffee saves your life 😆
I fear missing my train stop, especially if it's the last one, so I'm happy that you had the balls to drink the instant coffee👍

Thanks for stopping by:)

Instant Coffee saves your life 😆

Sometimes, not always. 🙂