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RE: Am I Getting A Coffee Roaster???

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

Don't you just love conversations like that, that lead to random topics?
You've thrown out some interesting questions that I hope you get some good advice about.
I live on a boat, and I only use a French press, a Moka pot, and one of those modern Bodum manual glass brewers, so I am totally out of touch with the latest coffee machines and technologies.
The prospects of ideas that you have for roasting and making your own coffee, sounds fascinating and exciting though.
I will however check back to see what responses you get, as I always like to know:)Hello @papacrusher,


Don't you just love conversations like that, that lead to random topics?

You know I LIVE for these kinds of conversations! It literally made my week...lolol

I live on a boat

Wow! How cool is that!?!?! I can imagine you have to be selective when it comes to space management.

I really hope I get some good feedback from this amazing family. I know someone in here knows about this stuff!!!! lololol Thanks for the support and for taking the time to comment.

 3 years ago  

Yes, indeed! Space is always a big concern. Whenever I go into stores, I have to really visualize my purchases fitting inside the boat.

It's my pleasure to help, always... and it's always great communicating with you too:) I believe @macchiata or @vanbliss (they are always ahead of the game with technology) might have some suggestions of coffee equipment that would be suitable.