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RE: Coffee-Induced Thoughts

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

It's great to have a partner who you can meet up with for coffee. You get the chance to save topics for discussion, or just let ideas flow when you meet up.
I do have a Tuesday Lunch meetup, but it's still different from my coffee conversations.
Oh, I used the link to listen (IBM) last night and it was great. I selected the British accent Charlotte. I noticed that they only have British, American, and Australian, no Jamaican 🤣


Good to have meetups, especially in this age of social isolation in real life! I always get fired up about meetups, perhaps more than others in my group haha (which can be a let down, I know).
Glad you found it helpful! It's a bummer though they don't have a Jamaican one, I suppose they just went with the most reiterated ones. 😒
I used to use another site for this, is the site, but no, they don't have Jamaican either, and they are limited 20 minutes per day I think. IBM one should be better.

 2 years ago  

especially in this age of social isolation in real life!

You are right about that. I'm a loner, however, I've seen some people especially older ones deteriorate rapidly from lockdowns and isolation, so I try to find the right balance.

Haha! I doubt there'll ever be a language reading with a Jamaican accent unless it's for a laugh. I'll also check out this other link.
Thank you :)