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RE: I Donut Mind My Cravings - I Welcome Them

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

I just came back to the very two locks that we first did on our own, when we ventured out on the boat for the very first time. It's always sentimental coming back this stretch:)

Yes, I do enjoy sessions of chatting sh*t especially with donuts or muffins.

Haha! Cam has a great ability to eat all snacks and any food that does not require cooking if he stays up later than me🤣


Oh I can totally understand the sentimentality around that, it's like a right of passage I suppose which is cool. You should take a photo every time that you are there and have a photo album for just that lock.

Your last line - Lol 🤣 I was wondering if that could possibly be the case.

 3 years ago  

I like the idea of taking a photo each time. I missed doing so today:(

Next time 🙂 I think it would be nice if you had photos through the different seasons, could make a wonderful framed picture for one of Badger's walls.

 3 years ago  

Really nice idea:)