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RE: CLOSED - Coffee Conversation: Event 66

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee10 months ago

I don’t really know why, but my answer here will be that I prefer a French press!

I remember back in the days when I was a kid, there was a Moka pot in almost every household. This was like the only way to prepare coffee, and maybe the cezve… But this was a time when there was almost no variety in the coffee choice, with only 2 or 3 brands in the shops. And I remember when my parents had guests at mine they used to make coffee on the Moka pot. Sadly this was a time when I wasn’t supposed to consume coffee, or it was just way too bitter for me, a 4 year old…

French press, on the other hand, came into wider use a lit later here in Bulgaria. It never became that popular, because Espresso machines replaced the Moka pots in bulgarian houses, but with the wave of better, specialty like coffees the French press showed itself more often. In the shops or some cafes.

I am using a different press now, but it shares a lot with the french press. AeroPress is always next to me and i love it because it is not glassware so it cannot be broken. 😁


How different the cultures are, here in Latin America, especially in the countries where coffee is produced, children drink it from a very young age. This is how coffee becomes an integral part in the growth of each person.

A very practical and portable press that you have there, wins many points since you can take it everywhere.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕


Here children don’t drink coffee at all, maybe when they become 16-18 years old they start to. Of course, culture has the biggest role here!

The AeroPress is my favorite tool to carry when traveling!

That said, I'm curious: does your coffee maker make coffee by the drip method?
Have a nice day!Hello, @mdosev ev. I know the conversation is about the preference for moka pots or French press, but I will allow myself to give a brief praise to the beautiful cup you show us.

The AeroPress from my photo uses a similar method to the French press. You mix the beans with water, and they have to sit for about 2-3 minutes. Then you filter the liquid by force. The ground coffee beans remain in the press while the liquid pours directly into the cup.

This exact cup was brought home by my wife. It is a Japanese ceramic and I like it because it is raw and unpolished.

Japanese do know how to make exceptionally attractive and appealing ceramics. Soon after we became married, we obtained in a local Jap shop two ceramic glasses of irresistible beauty and attractiveness. Only one of them has survived to this day, - it serves me on a daily basis for tea drinking.

'starry night' oilspot tenmoku

'shino' chawan

I'm a huge ceramics fan... and would love to purchase a few cups like this, from Japanese ceramicist - name is: Cory Winter. But unfortunately, this is not an option due to a number of technical reasons...

matcha chawan with oribe & light pearlescent hues

chawan woodfired at NAU, mixed clay

I could add more from my little (virtual) collection, but I guess you've got the idea.

I could forget about @mdosev's cat cup 😜 if I could get one of these 💓 I particularly like the starry night one; I gues it's named after Van Gogh's painting (which I love so much, as much as I love Don MccLean's "Vincent"... You're making me nostalgic but in a sweet way).

if only I could get one of these! too...
I cant order anything at Cory Lum's online store,
just follow, and enjoy results of his work with my eyes.

Thank you. I'm going to check it out 😁

I was unaware of this type of coffee maker. Thank you for introducing it to me. You can tell your wife that you have been told that she has good taste, hahaha.... Sorry for the silly joke.

I never saw cezve coffee until I was 14 or 15 while visiting an Armenian schoolmate, but moka pots were to be found everywhere in my hometown, at least in the houses I used to visit. Like in your case, we didn't have much coffee variety, nor beans. Only ground coffee were for domestic use, while beans were directly to coffee shops and bakeries.

I'm still curious about that AeroPress, but it'll have to wait. I think the coffee you brew there must be similar in taste to the one you brew in a french press, but I can't tell.

The method of AeroPress is so similar to the French press. Brewing time is equal too. I haven’t brewed or tasted a French press coffee soon, so I cannot compare it to the AeroPress, but I’m sure that the result will be very similar.

Coffee in the past was so different that the one we are used to consuming nowadays… it is so wild and like a roller coaster ride in a matter of 10-20 years.

I saw that they coffee chewing gum in some chapter of the fourth season of Fringe. I hope I never have to see that day! I love drinking my hot coffee 😌

Ha! funny thing - three comments out of four, are requesting a French press. No way that might be a coincidence 😍 in terms of enjoying the quality coffee, I mean ...

this was a time when there was almost no variety in the coffee choice, with only 2 or 3 brands in the shops.

viva la difference!

Moka... was just way too bitter for me, a 4 year old…

the deeper intrest in coffee comes with age! in my teens, I preferred coffee with lots of sugar and milk. if i'd was provided with a cup of pure coffee made in Moka pot, back in the time then, probably I would spit it out and with a grinning face. But now the things are very differ!