Enjoying my new espresso brewing gear with every sip of coffee. Normcore Tamper and dosing funnel.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee10 months ago (edited)

Hey, coffee lovers! Are you enjoying the weekend? Did you have your tasteful cup of coffee? Here it is raining all day long so it is time to spend some time writing a post here in our beloved community.

As you may remember from my latest posts, I bought some very cool espresso brewing tools. I already showed you the portafilter, but with it I also grabbed a tamper and a dosing funnel. I had the opportunity to choose between black and white color, but after all decided to go with a classic matte black.

I have to say that the build quality of all the Normcore tools are heavy and feel exceptionally well built. Thus, their pricing is absolutely reasonable. The Normcore branding can be found on various places, but its clean font make it look modern and clean.

The dosing funnel, or dosing ring, is also something quite useful for your coffee brewing routine. It is not a must, but it really helps you spill less coffee around the coffee corner. And I was more than happy to throw away the old paper cup that was serving the same purpose previously.

The soding ring has the same exact matte black finish, so classy looking.

And because theportafilter doesn’t fit well in the holder of the grinder, I decided to grind my beans in the lower half of the manual grinder. This also fits perfectly the whole espresso setup.

Time to put the ground beans in place… as a real home barista, I has to weigh the coffee entering the portafilter every single time. The coffee has to be exactly 15 grams for this basket.

And after it is inside, it is time to break the clumps with the WDT needle tool. It is quite small and amateur loking, but usually does its job quite well. The coffee really has to be evened and distribured in order to achieve a pleasant espresso shot.

Now its time for the tamper itself. This one is improved version and is a lot more complex that the traditional fixed and hard tampers. It has a set of two springs, with different stiffness, which help to achieve an even and packed coffee bed.

The black disc above the portafilter helps you to tamp the coffee even, because if you tamp even in a light angle, uour extraction will be faster on one of the sides, where coffee bes is thinner and will prevent water flow at the thicker part. Your extraction will be very uneven.

I think that this coffee here looks beautifully packed, what do you think? But… the real judge will be the espresso machine. These open bottomless portafilters won’t work well of you dont prepare your coffee well and they are the perfect tools to monitor the whole process. If there is a flaw in your methods you will be able ti see it immediately. I think that my espresso looks great, at least when we talk in terms of homemade amareur brewed one.

Espresso is a type of coffee that requires a relatively good practice and excellent brewing equipment. Most of the homemade machines will make you an espresso lookalike, but it will be far from the standatds of the classical Italian style. But if you are passionate about the coffee you are brewing, companies like Normcore will help uou achieve results that will be really close to the perfect cup of coffee.

Finally I have to admit that this was one of the best coffee investments in my life and I cannot be happier with the amount of quality improvement of our homemade espresso. The whole body, the whole feeling is different and of course, the coffee tastes even better now!

So, that’s for today… see you again soon.
Bye and have a wonderful week!


Wow, the expresso coffee is really delicious. I really like espresso coffee, especially sitting relaxed with friends. I am very entertained by this coffee.

This tool is very useful to obtain our ideal coffee, I have never prepared a coffee with all those techniques, which I truly appreciate, the art of preparing a good coffee.

I have never thought that I would be able to make such a good espresso with this cheap espresso machine, but these investments make the big difference!

Congratulations on this, that you have applied yourself enough to achieve a good coffee, with this machine, enjoy good coffee

How wonderful, it is a great investment. More because it serves to satisfy your love and taste for coffee.

The best coffee investment so far!

My dream is to have an espresso at home but then I would get a new problem, I would become addicted or I would spend all my money 🤣

It’s not cheap, but if you want to drink good espresso at the cafe, then it’s not cheap either. 🤷🏻 😁

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