Oh, so bad doctors like still exist! Find someone else, one that likes their coffee everyday, several times a day, haha.
In Venezuela, we get Arabica beans at the store, almost exclusively. This type has less caffeine. And if you use drip brew and sip it while still hot, that's less caffeine. Words of my grandma's doctor (40 years ago; he drank 4-6 cups a day and died of old age, just in case).
That doctor is crazy if he thinks I'm going to give up my coffee I like it medium term the dark one as my grandmother used to say coffee for drunk 😁😁🙈
I remembered the words of my dad who says he's been drinking coffee since he was born and it hasn't hurt him. 😅 Older people used to drink coffee since they were very young and have lived many more years, I don't know if it is because of coffee consumption but what I know is that it has been part of their diet during their life.