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RE: Community Update: A Shot...behind the scenes

Hi @cinnccf #CinnamonCupCoffee Community Thank you for posting these rules, I love being in this wonderful community. Everything has become clear. Understood my General! hehehe it's a joke. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

NOTE: Here, in Venezuela, at this time it is snack time. I, complying with this old tradition, take the opportunity to toast the success of our community, with a delicious black coffee and a portion of chocolate marquise made by my beloved wife. Greetings and blessings.


 3 years ago (edited) 


My husband complained this morning that he feels like he's married to a Nazi, and he begged me to be kind 🤣

I do my best!


PS. That's a great photo!
☕️ Cheers, to you and yours 😍

Not like a Nazi, more like Emperor Palpatine hahaha, but if no rules are put in place everything would be chaos.

 3 years ago  

@fabian98, no! My husband calls me "Sergeant Major", well Hitler, sometimes...with a Yoda speech, as I tend to speak in backward sentences (cause it makes more sense to me😆😂)

And even talking like this makes you more understandable haha.

 3 years ago  

haha! I think so, too🤣