I'm glad that you found it helpful. The goal here isn't to control or limit people on how they write their stories, its about improving writing and creating a quality product that people will enjoy reading. Magic in stories is great, but it still needs to make sense and it still needs to be believable. Plot is great, but it needs to have purpose. Stories and any post on Hive for that matter, should always be well written, proof read and edited. I didn't mention this above but last week we had some entries that actually used the wrong words than the prompt words that we provided. My guess is that the online translator switched them to what it thought was more appropriate, but that is not an excuse, because it means that the author did not go back and proof read and edit their story after it was translated. Hive isn't only about slapping together a post in order to make a quick buck, its about creating something that the Hive community and greater internet, actually wants to read.
Anyway, that is all that I have to say on the matter. I think that you already understand all of this.
Good luck in your writing.