Magic coffee day at "café El Principito"✨☕️ ESP-ENG.

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Greetings to all Cinnamon Cup Coffee members, coffee lovers, I hope you have had a good week and this week is having a good start for you, and of course that you have already had a good dose of coffee.

It had been a while since I visited a coffee shop and I had the desire to do it, I usually drink coffee at home, but visiting coffee shops is a moment I enjoy a lot, so I decided to go to “Café El Principito”, it is the second time I go there and I wanted to visit this coffee shop again.

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Since I was a child I have loved “The Little Prince”, I remember reading it when I was very little and imagining everything as if it were real, the feeling was magical, I can still remember a little bit, and when I knew there was a themed cafe it was wonderful, I had to go. It is a small but cozy place, the outskirts of the place are also themed, I really love the dedicated decoration, the stars, the roses.


This time I ordered a black coffee since I have given up milk, and black coffee is a delicacy, with cookies and a very delicious vanilla cake, although I have been giving up sweets this day I felt like eating cookies that I love so much, on the table there were colors and leaves to paint, I like to paint so it was relaxing and great to wait while they brought the order.


The coffee was delicious, warm and with a distinctive flavor, it made me happy since I hadn't had coffee all day, and wow coffee can change your mood and relax you and of course the cookie was delicious, I loved it so much considering I hadn't been able to eat it for a long time, although to be honest I found it extremely sweet, maybe because I have moved away from sweet, but overall I liked it, plus the coffee had little sugar so there was a tasty balance, there are many more options of desserts and savory food for everyone's taste.

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On the other hand the vanilla cake was delicious, very fluffy and fresh, with a touch of lemon and cinnamon, or at least that's what I perceived. It was a very nice moment and I want to repeat it, the atmosphere and the figures allusive to the book make it a nice experience, there are many of them both inside and outside. I really enjoyed going there again, although this time I did not take too many pictures because I wanted to disconnect a little bit and take advantage of that moment that is not every day unfortunately, I wish it was like that, this coffee shop is in Valencia, Carabobo State.💛


It was great to share this little moment with you, it is always nice to be able to describe and relive those moments that make us happy with a cup of coffee in cozy places, let's not lose that taste, I hope you have a nice day, with love.

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"Me here, very happy"


Tools used for the realization of the Post:
Photographs: iPhone 12.
All images edited with Canva.
English translation with DeepL.

✨I apologize for the translation errors.✨

ESPAÑOL ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Saludos a todos los miembros de Cinnamon Cup Coffee, amantes del café, espero hayan tenido una buena semana y esta esté teniendo un buen inicio para ustedes, y por supuesto que ya hayan tenido una buena dosis de café.

Tenía rato que no visitaba una cafetería y pues tenía el deseo de hacerlo, suelo tomar café en casa, pero visitar cafeterías es un momento que disfruto mucho, así que decidí ir a "Café El principito", es la segunda vez que voy y vaya que quería repetir visitar este café nuevamente.

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Desde niña me ha gustado "El principito", recuerdo leerlo estando muy pequeña e imaginarme todo como si fuera real, la sensación era mágica, aun puedo recordar un poco, y cuando supe que había un café temático pues fue maravilloso, debía ir. Es un lugar pequeño pero acogedor, las afueras del lugar son también temáticas, yo amo verdaderamente la decoración dedicada, las estrellas, las rosas.


En esta oportunidad pedí un café negro ya que he dejado la leche, y es que el café negro es una exquisitez, con galletas y un ponqué de vainilla muy delicioso, aunque he estado dejando de consumir dulce este día me apeteció comer galletas que tanto amo, en la mesa había colores y hojas para pintar, me gusta pintar así que fue relajante y genial esperar mientras acercaban el pedido.


El café estaba delicioso, calentito y con una sabor distintivo, me hizo feliz ya que no había tomado café durante todo el día, y vaya que el café puede cambiar el estado de ánimo y relajarlo y por supuesto la galleta estaba deliciosa, la amé muchísimo considerando que no había podido comer desde hacía mucho tiempo, aunque para ser honesta me pareció extremadamente dulce, tal vez porque me he alejado del dulce, pero en general me gustó, además el café tenía poca azúcar entonces había un gustoso equilibrio, hay muchas mas opciones de postres y comida salada para el gusto de todos.

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Por otra parte la torta de vainilla estaba deliciosa, muy esponjosa y fresca, con un toque de limón y canela, o al menos eso percibí. Fue un momento muy agradable y quiero repetirlo, el ambiente y las figuras alusivas al libro hacen que sea una bonita experiencia, hay muchas de ellas tanto dentro como fuera. Disfruté mucho ir nuevamente, aunque esta vez no hice demasiadas fotos ya que quise desconectar un poquito y aprovechar ese momento que no es de todos lo días lamentablemente, ojalá fuese así, esta cafetería queda en Valencia, Estado Carabobo💛


Fue genial compartir este pequeño momento con ustedes, es siempre agradable poder describir y revivir esos momentos que nos hacen feliz junto a una taza de café en lugares acogedores, no perdamos ese gusto, espero tengan un bonito día, con mucho cariño.

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"Yo aquí, muy feliz"


Herramientas usadas para la realización del Post:
Fotografías: iPhone 12.
Todas las imágenes editadas con Canva.
Traducción al inglés con DeepL.


The coffee shop's ambiance is lively and homey. A good cup of coffee makes it unique and is paired with fluffy vanilla cake. That is so yummy. Thanks for sharing your magic coffee day. Enjoy!

Yes, the place is very cozy, of course the coffee adds magic, I love that place, in a next occasion I will show the outside part that is also very nice, full of freshness, thanks for taking the time and reading✨

What a lovely cafe! I wish I could go sometime. I'm glad you could take some time and enjoy it 🌻

Yes, it is very beautiful, hopefully one day you can visit it, you will love it, thank you for your time.🌹

The Little Prince is one of my favorite books, I loved that business idea. It must be a lovely place. Regards @ladylein

How nice, mine too, since I was a child it was... yes, it is a very nice coffee shop, greetings to you, thank you🌹

 2 months ago  


The image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated in Canva.

Greetings @cinnccf

Thank you for your dedication🌹

Hi, the coffee shop looks beautiful, good that you enjoyed coffee and a nice dessert in such a nice atmosphere. Regards

Yes, I enjoyed it very much, thanks for taking the time to visualize.

A beautiful place with a literary feel, the little prince is a classic of world literature and finding a thematic place related to this great work is wonderful.

The coffee looks really good and it seems you enjoyed it a lot, the fact that it didn't have much sugar makes its true flavor come through.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.

Hiiii @rinconpoetico7 !!!

Yes, you can feel the literature when you enter, and when you arrive it's like reliving the scenes of the book which is very beautiful, it's a nice experience really.... Yes I've been dissmuniyando the amount of sugar in my coffee for a while now, thanks for taking the time to read,I appreciate it. Regards🌹