The Real Java Monsters...

Chapter 3

Is still under construction...

You can read chapters one and two here. --->
Breathe, I told myself, deep breaths, slow silent breaths as I felt the floor shake beneath my feet..

@krazzytrukker 's Log..:

Stardate 10-10-2021

I awoke @ 4:30am. With intentions of consuming a Java Monster. While tapping out part three of The Java Monsters. I must say, this Java Monster Energy drink I am enjoying is not my regular flave, I have not been able to find the Swiss Mocha that I love so much. This flave is quite tasty. It has a definite kick to it, and a great vanilla flavor.

Java Monster 300 10-2021.jpg

Java Monster 300 10-2021 (2).jpg

Java Monster 300 10-2021 (3).jpg

I drink these Javas with crushed ice and a kitty on the side. This last photo has a ghost reflection of me in the window. I could have taken another from a different angle. But I thought it looked spoooooky. Happy Halloween.

Java Monster 300 10-2021 (4).jpg

Where is Chapter 3..?

Well, thanks for asking...

The 3rd part is rattling around in the twisted, dark depths of my mind. I am wrestling with things like..:

Will the Runner survive to deliver the possibly life saving data device to the group of survivors?

Survivors who are gathering in mass looking for a way to defeat these Java Monsters.

Who is this runner?

Could this runner be someone like... @dandays "The Luckiest Guy I Know" A man with a bum knee and a mountain bike. A man who is fearless, and just crazy enough to complete this run.

Or someone more like... @galenkp ? G-Dog has the skills to survive and will never give up, a man who just may face the Javas head on with brute force. A man who will find a way to get that data to those who need it.

Could this runner be someone like... @scubahead A crafty and slippery when wet man, who will devise a plan, a distraction, or maybe even an explosive confrontation with the Javas?

Or someone more like... @tarazkp A man who will use science, logic, and the very data he carries, to survive this situation. To deliver the priceless data device that may contain information to save mankind from the Java Monsters.

I guess we will have to wait and see..?

I am not a writer. This is all new to me. Is this writers block? Or am I just intimidated by the fear of not knowing if anyone will even enjoy what I am doing here with this story?

Right now I am going to head outside and breath some fresh morning air, on this 68° North Florida morning. I will put this Java Monster buzz to good use.

I will soon tap out the 3rd part. And there will be Java Monsters. Both in my head, and in my cup.

Thanks Again for stopping by and √-ing out my Java Ramblings.



I don't know about the story, guess I need to go and read part one and two. For the coffee, as i have aged I drink less and less of the stuff, after reading the warning about consult with your health care provider, the part about pregnant women, I don't think I will be trying the drink anytime soon. If a pregnant women is warned away from the drink can it really be a safe thing to drink? Why are there never any warning signs or messages for men on products like Men wishing to become fathers should not use our product? Okay off to read the link and catch up on part one and two or to refresh my almost empty mind if I have indeed read them.


Did it say do not operate heavy machinery..? I never looked. Would be very ironic as I do it for a living...


No it did not have that on the label. I went back and I did read the coffee stories, but am totally refreshed on it now, My brain has been re-filled.

If your brain is like mine. It will keep everything in memory, but what is really important will...



Be gone.

Yeah, like the other day, for some unknown reason I put my car keys in my shirt pocket instead of in my pants pocket, then the next day I could not find them, I looked everywhere for them, finally gave up, used my wife's keys and then felt my shirt being pulled down as I leaned in to start the car, poof, magic, the keys were found.


So glad you do that also...

We are normal after all.!!

 3 years ago  

Hey @krazzytrukker, Coffee while stroking a cat as lovely as this one could be therapeutic!
I've never tried any of the Java Monster drinks, but you've piqued my interest and now I'm on the lookout for that brand.
Hope you're having a great weekend;)

Happy Sunday.

This is a non-stroke cat. Hand will be bitten. I can get away with it if she wishes it. But I do not attempt to do it for long.

I like the green, blue, and the Javas. Most of the monster drinks are too fruity for my taste. The green tastes similar to red bull energy drinks.


 3 years ago  

Ah, at least you know what she likes, pretty and fluffy though😍
I'll remember your suggestion :)

You'll likely find this hard to believe but I don't have much to say other than....

How you described all four of us was pretty frikkin remarkable. I've been a lot busier lately than I've been in years. I haven't had a chance to check out the first two but it's nothing personal, I haven't had much time to consume OC period. <- Do you still need a grammatical dot (.) at the end of a sentence if the sentence ends with the word, "period?"

All I've been doing pretty much is engaging can you tell?

Of course keep writing it. I get blocked regularly. Dude like twice a week. I just can't formulate sentences sometimes and more than one story wants to write itself at the same time. "Writers block" or "dipshit block" which is probably more my tempo is Mornal to me. Salt time of writing, I'm such a mess I can't write one at a time. There's 18 opening paragraphs in my device right now and nothing to go with them.

I'm almost done.

I can't drink energy drinks. Not a Red Bull or those monsters or anything and I didn't capitalize Red Bull like that. I didn't do it that time, either, apparently iOS knows who the fuck they are and thinks they're important. Where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, energy drinks. Dude them things put me to sleep. They're like PM pills, it's weird. I've only drank probably two monsters in my life, both times I needed a nap just so I couldn't finish them.

I'm done now.

Great comment. Add a few giphys and you got me matched.

The energy drinks seem to give me quick energy. Lasts a short period

<---- No (.)


Then always the big crash, (nap time) and sometimes a cramp like pain. It says do not drink if pregnant. Maybe it is labor cramps... Or an oncoming (.)

But it gets me up and moving, so that is why I drink them occasionally. Never daily. Water and lactate milk. No not breast milk... Lactaid.

way less farty.

I know... TMI.

Thanks for the advice. Sounds like many of the issues cross over. But it just makes being this wacky even cooler knowing your a Fucking Nut Bag too..!



I know... TMI.

Not at all it's cool. Breast milk.... Uhm, farts.. yeah I got nothin dude (period)

 3 years ago  

Hello @krazzytrukker,

We're Looking forward to seeing you soon;-)
Have a great day!