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RE: Coffee-Induced Thoughts


I am intrigued...

This is the hot season here in N FLA. So I try to find more time for couch/sofa conk outs and Hive time also.

I must catch up on You and Cam's postings and this Bob the Cat !!

Ok... Caught up on @scubahead WTH ? Is everything ok. Nothing since May??

Your time line is looking as good as you are. Steady and strong. Love it. I will read You for awhile and get up to speed on this new addition.


 2 years ago  

Hey there 😁
It's nice to hear from you.
Yeah, we've had Bob for some time now. She's peculiar but friendly and adorable.

Nothing since May??

I know! He has a night job, and that schedule messes him up. He's still trying to find a routine, but it's difficult as he has to sleep in the daytime before night comes again. I think he's balancing out and will get back on track with posting soon. 🤗

Great News. I miss his ramblings. LoL

I will be trying to do more on here in the Hive also. It is what I like call the "Nuclear Winter" kinda like an inverted winter time where I grew up in Pensyl-Tucky (usa) it was too COLD to do much from Nov thru Feb. Now here in the south it is too HOT to do much from June thru Sept.

Love the Kitty and that name. "Bob the Cat" Bobcat

We have real life wild ones here. But have not seen one on our game cam yet. I have seen them run across the highways in front of me. And saw one close enough at a shipper in Texas one time to snap a photo of it.
