I found myself to be far more centred when there.
I felt comfortable, welcomed and I guess that made me content; it also made me more productive
It's great to know that this is also what you experience in a cafe! 🙌 When I am at a cafe to work, I am more productive than when I'm at home (before pandemic). Now that I am working from home I still try to go to cafes because somehow it makes me more relaxed and in tune with the world. I find myself more focused as well. I was deeply troubled when cafes closed at the onset of the pandemic in March 2020 huhu but I was glad I made it through, with instant coffee to boost my daily mood.
Great read!
Have a lovely week ahead, coffee cheers~!
I guess it's something to do with the atmosphere, the way it sort of lends it self to productivity. I can't really explain it I guess. Thanks for your comment though, greatly appreciated.
have a good day and enjoy your coffee!

Copy that. ✅