Coffee Christmas Punch, to enjoy the holidays without alcohol (English/Spanish)

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 months ago (edited)


A loving greeting to all my Hive friends, especially to coffee lovers. Today I bring you a delicious and very special recipe to brighten up our days during the holiday season: A non-alcoholic coffee punch, which I am sure you will love.

Here are the quantities and the step-by-step instructions to prepare this exquisite punch.


  • 500 ml of frozen coffee
  • 2 glasses of flan
  • 6 spoonfuls of sugar
  • 3 Colcafe brand moccachino packets
  • 600 ml milk
  • 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder



The preparation is very simple. We are simply going to blend all the ingredients together until we obtain a homogeneous mixture. As you can see in the pictures, I have everything organized in small portions. For those of you who have already followed my recipes or preparations, you will know that my blender is very small, so I have to do everything in portions. So if this is not your case, you can put all the ingredients in the normal container of your blender and make this delicious punch even faster.




This Christmas coffee punch is perfect for sharing at family gatherings or with friends, since its creamy and sweet flavor is sure to conquer all palates. Traditionally, in Venezuela, ponche is prepared at Christmas time, being a drink based on flan, milk and rum. But at home, neither @aly.squid nor I consume alcohol and as we are coffee lovers, we decided this year to make a delicious coffee punch without alcohol.



We also made it for several friends who visited us during the holidays and they were delighted. So now you know, if you want to surprise your loved ones with a delicious, different and original punch, don't hesitate to prepare this recipe.



I am very happy to share this preparation with you. Since we loved it. I hope you prepare it and enjoy it. For now I say goodbye and hope to be back here soon. Best regards to all of you.

Original content by the author.
Resources: Xiaomi redmi note 11s
Own photos
Translated with
All rights reserved || @jetta.amaya// 2025

Ponche navideño de café, para disfrutar las fiestas sin alcohol (Ingles/Español)


Un saludo amoroso para todos mis amigos de Hive, especialmente para los amantes del café. Hoy les traigo una receta deliciosa y muy especial que alegro nuestros días durante la temporada navideña: Un ponche de café sin alcohol, que estoy segura les va a encantar.

A continuación les dejaré las cantidades y el paso a paso, para preparar este exquisito ponche.


  • 500 ml de Café congelado
  • 2 vasos de flan
  • 6 cucharadas de azúcar
  • 3 sobres de moccachino de la marca Colcafe
  • 600 ml de leche
  • 6 cucharadas de cacao en polvo



La preparación es muy sencilla. Simplemente vamos a licuar todos los ingredientes juntos hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea. Cómo pueden observar en las fotos, tengo todo organizado en pequeñas porciones. Para los que ya han seguido mis recetas o preparaciones, sabrás que mi licuadora es muy pequeña, por lo que tengo que hacer todo por partes. Así que si no es tu caso, puedes poner todos los ingredientes en el envase normal de tu licuadora y hacer este rico ponche todavía más rápido.




Este ponche navideño de café es perfecto para compartir en reuniones familiares o con amigos, ya que su sabor cremoso y dulce seguro conquistará a todos los paladares. Tradicionalmente en Venezuela se prepara ponche en las navidades, tratándose de una bebida a base de flan, leche y ron. Pero en casa, no @aly.squid ni yo consumismo alcohol y como somos unas amantes del café, pues decidimos este año hacer un delicioso ponche de café sin alcohol.



Lo hicimos también para varios amigos que nos visitaron en estas fiestas y quedaron encantados. Así que ya saben, si quieren sorprender a sus seres queridos con un delicioso ponche diferente y original, no duden en preparar esta receta.



Estoy muy feliz de compartir esta preparación con ustedes. Ya que a nosotras nos encantó. Espero que la preparen y la disfruten. Por ahora me despido esperando regresar pronto por acá. Un abrazo para todos.

Contenido original del autor.
Recursos: Xiaomi redmi note 11s
Fotos propias
Traducido con
Todos los derechos reservados || @jetta.amaya// 2025

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 3 months ago  

The look on your face says it turned out just how you wanted it to be, so it seems to be a great combination, eh?

Happy Monday!

It turned out wonderful and I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for visiting me and commenting. It is a pleasure to have the goddess of coffee for my post. Happy new year.

 3 months ago  

Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

The Coolest.gif

Thanks to you for the support. See you. Greetings.

OMG a coffee Ponchecrema! What a great idea and I love that it's non-alcoholic because it's hard to get something like this traditional drink without alcohol 👌🏻

I really liked the gifs hahaha they are funny. I wouldn't have thought of freezing the coffee, it's much more interesting that than putting ice in it and it being watered down.

Happy Three Kings Day!

¡OMG un Ponchecrema de café! Qué idea más genial y me encanta que sea sin alcohol porque es difícil conseguir algo parecido a esta bebida tradicional sin alcohol 👌🏻
Me gustaron mucho los gif jajaja están divertidos. No se me habría ocurrido congelar el café, es mucho más interesante eso que ponerle hielo y que quede aguado.
¡Feliz día de reyes!

It was delicious and very cold, I always make it on the spot and that's why I use frozen coffee. It had that delicious touch of coffee but with the texture of cream punch. I enjoyed it very much. I'm glad you like the gifs. Thank you very much for visiting me and commenting. Greetings and a happy new year.

It looks good, but I'll stick with the traditional cream punch hahaha, it's still a good recipe for those who like chocolate, greetings.

Thanks for visiting me and commenting. Greetings.