Hello everyone and all members of the community, how are you today? May we all always be given health and happiness in living every step of this life. We must keep the spirit even though nothing is certain in this world.
Last night, my wife and I planned to consult a gynecologist. We are planning to start a program to get pregnant. We have had two miscarriages and this time wanted to try our best to start a pregnancy program. Our obstetrician practice schedule starts from 7 – 9 PM and we arrived there around 7 PM and when we wanted to register, we were given information if the doctor had a sudden operation and would come around 9 PM. There are still two hours to wait, I have the choice to leave or return home but I don't want to lose my parking position. Finally, I went to the mall which is in front of the doctor's practice, namely Cambridge City Mall.
Waiting is a very tedious job, I have no choice. Instead of sitting there pensively, it's better to find coffee because it's certain that we will be home late at night. I see there are several choices of food vendors, cafes, coffee shops and restaurants. However, an attractive offer from a coffee shop made me choose to order a drink there. We decided to wait over coffee at Kopi Kenangan.
Kopi Kenangan
Kopi Kenangan is one of the largest coffee shop-based startups in Indonesia. Kopi Kenangan (in English : Coffee Memories) has a very catchy name, maybe they expect when they drink coffee from this coffee shop. We will always have good memories.
Kopi Kenangan is a coffee shop that pioneered the grab and go coffee system in Indonesia. Initially, Kopi Kenangan focused on selling take-away and app systems with minimalist outlets without chairs and tables for customers. This method works quite well but cannot develop optimally, because the coffee habit in Indonesia is different from western countries. In America and Europe, coffee shop customers are used to the grab-and-go system because for them coffee is needed to provide energy and inspiration to work.
In Indonesia, coffee is a drink between friends. The coffee shop is communal and an exchange of information. Kopi Kenangan took this opportunity, they believe that the demand for coffee in Indonesia will be higher to support work productivity but do not forget that the culture of drinking coffee in Indonesia still has to sit back and relax. Kopi Kenangan already has hundreds of branches in Indonesia and can be found almost anywhere.
Kopi Kenangan Mantan
An interesting offer that I saw was a promo of 2 regular coffees for only IDR 23K (or 1.5 USD). Very cheap prices to be able to drink coffee and sit back at the Mall. The coffee I ordered has a unique name, namely Kopi Kenangan Mantan (or in English it is called Former Memories Coffee). Memories (Memories) are something that makes an impression and makes an impression on memories, and Former (Former) we can conclude about ex-girlfriends. So, maybe the creator of this menu has good memories with his ex-girlfriend when they drank coffee while dating.
Kopi Kenangan Mantan is a coffee drink consisting of 2 shots of espresso, fresh milk, and palm sugar. In Indonesia, palm sugar latte coffee is very popular. Almost all coffee shops have a similar menu, and this makes palm sugar prices in Indonesia rise due to high demand.
I tried this iced coffee, I drank using a straw and slowly this cold coffee entered my mouth and throat. When my tongue tried to taste it, I realized that this coffee seems to use a coffee blend (Arabica and Robusta) with a more dominant percentage of Robusta coffee. Actually, I have no problem drinking Robusta coffee, but that's when my body is fit and my stomach is not empty. However, this time I feel like I will experience stomach acid after drinking this coffee.
The taste of this coffee is a bit strange, the bitter and sweet are not balanced. I don't know what went wrong, whether it was a mistake on my tongue or the fault of the coffee shop. I've had coffee several times at the Kopi Kenangan outlet but all of them I do in the afternoon or evening and this is the first time I drink it at night. I still finished my coffee, even though at that time, my stomach and my tongue were uncomfortable. I have an idealism that every coffee that has been served should not be thrown away and must be drunk until it is finished.
We finished our consultation with the doctor around 10 PM and thankfully this coffee made me not sleepy and could still drive the car until I got home safely.

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.
Thanks for read, vote, re-blog and support me in Hive. Maybe god will reward the kindness, let’s success together.
Dude, I hope everything goes well with the family planning, best of luck.
And haha in my country the cafeterias use strange names but sometimes they are difficult to pronounce or remember.
Yes, many cafes use strange names to attract attention from customers.thank you very much @fabian98