The coffee is great in the morning

Glory to those who silently prepare their coffee at night. When I boil my coffee at night after midnight, I know the time is fine. Only those who see their salvation in coffee understand that it is not an addiction or a habit. Among the etiquette of drinking coffee: inhale its aroma and leave it caressing the cells of your head.

Coffee is still the icon of the morning, and the lady of warmth as we leave the ecstasy of the dream. It brings us together and gathers what is scattered of us in space, and the coffee wins by making your day from gloomy to happy even if you are alone. The first coffee is spoiled by words because it is the maiden of the silent morning, and I count the days of my life with coffee spoons.

The morning of the cities that wake up to the smell of coffee, and the hearts that open their windows for love before the light. Good morning to those who are happy with raindrops and warmed by coffee. Eight in the morning the mood is calm and in the morning I see the taste of coffee.

As soon as one of us wakes up in the morning, the first thing he does is to go for the morning cup of coffee, which he considers a mood adjuster.

Especially in this wonderful cafe that serves great coffee and many cakes and other drinks.

But does this routine have benefits on the body and psyche? What are the side effects of this habit? The caffeine in coffee stimulates the mind and memory, but if its percentage increases in the body, it will have an effect on the spinal cord and lead to convulsions. Coffee relieves headaches because caffeine decongests blood vessels in the brain.




 3 years ago  

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