in Cinnamon Cup Coffee10 months ago (edited)

I thought it was a joke when my sister told me that pregnancy is very funny and it can make you do some unreasonable things, pregnancy can be so demanding and you will always be craving for different this that are out of this world.

My sister was the one who made me love coffee like never before, I stayed with her for more than three years and every morning she started her day with a cup of coffee and it has always been part of her everyday routine, this made me fell in love with coffee because I always want to try new things and the moment I started making my coffee I was so addicted to it.

After my sister got married I had to live on my own but still go to greet her once In a while, after a year of marriage, she was pregnant and I decided to visit her, I know she is addicted to coffee but this time her craving for coffee is high and very odd.

She called me in the morning and I knew she wanted to ask for her coffee, I rushed into the kitchen to boil water and make her the coffee as she always loved but to my greatest surprise she was now a changed person, she entered the kitchen and prepared the coffee then sliced a whole onion inside the coffee, I was shocked because I have never seen something like that in my life, I felt so disgusting and said to her, how will you do something like this, she replied that this is what she is craving for, whaaaaatttttt! Why would you crave for something so disgusting as this?

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I was still talking about it when the husband came into the kitchen and met us in the middle of the conversation, he told me that this was just the tip of the iceberg, he said my sister mixed salt instead of sugar in her coffee, how will it taste, how can pregnancy be so demanding because on a normal day, my sister can never do that but her craving wasn't normal at all.


My sister had turned her craveness into something I can never explain, the next day she asked me to make custard for her in the morning which I did, and to my greatest surprise she made her coffee as usual and poured the coffee on the custard just the way we mix milk with custard, she mixed it and started to drink, this is a height of it because it looks so crazy, how can you mix coffee with custard all in the name of pregnancy.


I saw enough of it, not only to coffee but her eating habits were so disgusting during her pregnancy, I know we can have so weird behavior during pregnancy but the ones I encountered during my sister's pregnancy were so terrible and disgusting. Pregnancy can be so funny and so demanding but not as disgusting as I felt when I visited my mother, I wish I could record her behavior those days and show it to her now because most times if we discussed her abnormal behavior during pregnancy she would deny some and accept some that really worth it.

People have different weird habits when it comes to combining food but pregnancy always comes with a nasty habit that can disgrace you in public, can someone tell me the theorem that leads to these disgusting habits during pregnancy or is it the body that reacts to different cravings during pregnancy?


This is my entry for this week's episode of #spillthebeans of #cinnamoncupcoffee community.


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Ewww onions and coffee , chai that's something else , though pregnancy can do alot to someone tho

I'm afraid what my combination will be

We shall see by then , I will come to Abuja by fire by force

 10 months ago  

I would have been like this to your sister...

Those are some odd combinations, indeed, but I guess pregnancy makes people do strange things.

cinnamon powder community.


I wonder what pregnancy will do to me because when I saw her cravings I was shocked and felt disgusted.

 10 months ago  

This is my entry for this week's episode of #spillthebeans of cinnamon powder community.

Most importantly, I wonder if you would edit and write the correct name of the community.

I will do that now

That was a very weird combination. I dont even want to go as far as imagining what it'd taste like. The smell alone would be awful. Im syre once she puts to birth, she'd not want to have anything to do with that combo.
Pregnancy really does things😅

😂😂😂 pregnancy and it's weird form of cravings. I can't even think of staying close to that mixture not to talk of drinking it.

Onions inside coffee?
Maybe she's looking for excess vitamin A too😂

hahaha, very interesting combinations indeed. It reminds me of Dr. Who's combination of Fish Fingers and custard :D That was a fun post.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

I've always heard of that thing called pregnancy cravings. How some of them even crave eating raw pepper is what I don't understand. Then there's your sister taking coffee and onions.

At this point, all I have to say is God will guide and see them all through it.

Okay thats gross, pregnancy will always make you do the unthinkable 😂. I'm sure she would be grossed out by the thought of it now that she's not pregnant 😂