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RE: Come on, get dizzy!

Yes I am dizzy, I did not take pictures, but I think it is the same dizziness as yesterday. I don't know what I mean by this either, maybe just that whoever makes friends while standing in line at a bank, is capable of anything.

A hug @nanixxx.


Hey, they weren't strangers I brought home. They were mdrguez and eddyss, my friends. Don't you see what the package says? It says Amandita. Who tells me Amanda in Hive? Well, you don't have to know as adaluna1973 here... lol.

Are you dizzy? Really? Geez! 🙂

A big, big hug.

You guessed it, I just got into Hive, and I was planning not to. A good afternoon and a not so good evening, tired and I think flu-like.

Vamos, levanta ese ánimo. Té de jengibre, limón, miel. Un baño calentito, una mantita. Un libro... deseo que estés bien.
Gracias por esta foto hermosa. 🤗

Dormir es lo que me pide el cuerpo... 😴 voy a dar una vuelta por acá y a dormir... (gengibre, limón y miel tengo)


a ti 👋 descansa.
